
# Version Description

# Version v3.5

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Two new data types , object group and object group, can be used for reporting and analyzing complex structure data such as battle lineup and war arms. It provides a practical method for analyzing the data of nested structure.

  2. Added data rights to improve the control ability, can be visible event/user feature settings, based on attribute rules to limit data access, etc., for intermodal customers and other stakeholders to provide Authority control solutions.

  3. Early warning management function upgraded. Support for early warning of grouped values, support for editing formulas, support for quick creation in event analysis, support for early warning based on predicted values, make early warning tasks more flexible and detailed, and meet the early warning needs of multiple scenarios.

  4. User clustering supports custom analysis subjects. Various types of grouping, including result grouping, can be created for different analysis subjects such as account numbers and roles, thus greatly expanding the applicable range of grouping functions.

  5. SQL visualization for functional upgrades and a series of interaction optimization, adding cross table display , easy to compare grouped data .

  6. User behavior sequence function upgrade. Support to locate events by attributes , support behavior sequence setting attribute explicit and quick viewing, and view user tags to form a single-user panoramic portrait.

  7. Event analysis table display, Dashboard display capability is unified with the model, supports stage value custom configuration, and can set stage data summary methods for different indicators. Support sorting multiple columns in the table.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. The number of users triggered by event analysis, the number of times per capita, and the average value of each person support the selection of analysis subjects, and can count "the number of trigger devices logged in" and so on.

  2. Event analysis adds "extended time range" to count DAU/WAU, DAU/MAU and other indicators

  3. Event analysis time granularity support statistics in 5 minutes and 10 minutes.

  4. You can directly use "event time", "event type" as a filter or grouping item during analysis.

  5. The retention analysis header support is defined as displayed by "the same day, the next day, and the 3rd day."

  6. Formula support in 3 decimal, 4 decimal display.

  7. Event/property selector adds bubble card descriptions to help analysts understand the data.

  8. Adjustment of project space permissions to support space administrators/collaborators to collaborate on space Dashboard.

  9. The saved report enters the drill-down list and retains the last analysis condition when returning again.

  10. Support setting user watermarks to improve data asset security.

# Version v3.4

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Added Data Transmission Service module, which provides two major features of access guide and third-party Data Transmission Service, providing guidance and visual configuration for data access.

  2. Added event tracking scheme and data acceptance module to support event tracking scheme management in TA, and support acceptance data based on event tracking scheme to quickly locate data problems and continuously improve data quality.

  3. User tags have undergone UI revisions and functional upgrades, supporting the creation of tags with custom analysis subjects, and selecting any analysis subject (the original user identification system) as the tag object.

  4. Data dashboard function upgrade, support the label into the Dashboard display; support for Dashboard add notes, add richer custom information for Dashboard.

  5. The distribution analysis function has been upgraded, and the simultaneous display option has been added to support simultaneous calculation of arbitrary indicators of users in different distribution intervals.

  6. " "User identification system" is upgraded to analysis subject, which supports custom analysis subject name. After switching analysis subjects in models such as retention analysis/funnel analysis, you can continue to drill down to view detailed data.

  7. TA mobile version (opens new window)function upgrade, you can switch to view the filter conditions collected on the PC side at the mobile end to view the data performance under different conditions.

  8. Added reporting address management function to support the management of data reporting addresses in TA, and regularly detect abnormal reporting addresses.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Support to move Dashboard folder to project space.

  2. Support sharing Dashboard to members of inactive accounts.

  3. Analysis angle supports common percentile indicators.

  4. Event analysis supports 'arbitrary event' event splitting function.

  5. Edit formula interaction optimization, support to bring in filtering indicators.

  6. The SQL query page displays the corresponding report name.

  7. User list and event details support forced refresh.

  8. Upload dimension table page interaction optimization.

  9. "Event tracking management" error information display optimization.

  10. " Project Management page optimization, providing a separate analysis configuration page.

  11. " System management "adds the function of freezing account.

  12. Support binding multiple third-party apps.

  13. Template types support tags and groups.

# Version v3.3

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. New visualization module , the current version supports the visual configuration of the results of SQL analysis, and supports the display in the Dashboard, the subsequent version will gradually support the visual configuration of each analysis model.

  2. Add interval analysis . The interval analysis model can analyze the time interval between the two behaviors generated by the user and show the distribution of the interval. It is suitable for analyzing the time interval related indicators such as conversion duration, behavior time consumption, residence duration, etc.

  3. User tags add a historical version, which records the tag value of the tag on the corresponding past day. Historical versions can be generated manually or synchronized when tags are automatically updated. Historical tags can be used directly in the model, selecting the historical version of a certain day or automatically matching and analyzing the historical version data of the day corresponding to the date, and also supporting the use of historical version data of tags in virtual attributes.

  4. Dashboard filtering supports long-term preservation. Users can collect commonly used Dashboard filtering. Dashboard creators and collaborative groups can also set personal filtering collections as the default filtering of Dashboard. Each time users enter Dashboard, they will have the filtering.

  • Optimization points:
  1. The table summary column of event analysis supports switching summary values, and you can choose to display 'Phase Sum' or 'Phase Average'.

  2. The task list increases the display of the download file size.

  3. The format of the event analysis table (i.e. "by time", "by event", "by group" switching) increases memory ability.

  4. The project toggle control supports project topping and is only effective for individual users

  5. 'Event tracking management' - 'real-time storage' module, add search function, support for real-time storage data search.

  6. Dashboard supports batch database downloading of all report data.

  7. The filtering logic of numeric attributes adds 'greater than or equal' and 'less than or equal'

  8. When comparing attribute analysis groups, you can set global filtering.

  9. In the Dashboard module, the name of the Dashboard board will be fully displayed.

  10. Virtual properties of time type can be accurate to seconds when debugging.

  11. When users are grouped as grouping items, the full grouping name will be displayed in the chart. The original display "belongs to the group" and "does not belong to the group" is now changed to "belongs to the group name" and "does not belong to the group name" (display the group name of the group), please note that the return result of the API will also change accordingly.

  • Template Center:
  1. Add "interval analysis" template to template type.

# Version v3.2.1

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Added a message center , TA users can customize the message channel, receive system notifications, project dynamics, Dashboard dynamics and task alarms from TA and other information.

  2. The template center beta version is online, TA users can understand the actual role of each functional module through the template center, and quickly apply the template in the project.

  3. Add virtual MFA , virtual MFA can greatly improve account security. Support setting MFA for personal accounts, or system admin forces all users to enable MFA.

  4. Add "operation and maintenance data monitoring background" based on Grafana development, system admin can enter the upper right corner menu "system management" - "host node monitoring", click the "monitoring details" button in the upper right corner of the page to enter the background.

  5. Add independent version upgrade function, system admin can enter the upper right corner menu "system management" - "system access details" to view the current cluster version and whether there is a new version available, and support the scheduled update time to complete the version of the TA system independent update.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Event analysis chart display optimization, add sorting settings for chart group.

  2. Filter criteria support setting parallel filtering, which can implement two-layer nested filtering such as '(A or B) and (C or D)'.

  3. Dashboard adds Dashboard Report Overview module, which can adjust the report size, remove the report or drag and drop to adjust the report position in the Overview module.

  4. SQL query model adds dynamic parameter type "selection", supports the selection of multiple segments of SQL statements through the dropdown menu, suitable for dynamic adjustment of complex filtering conditions; release the Dashboard cache must be more than 120 seconds of calculation time limit, all reports can be set Dashboard cache; support With clause.

  5. The maximum number of downloads of downloaded data supports parametric adjustment (need to contact TA staff).

  6. Support Save As for user grouping, user tags, and virtual attributes.

  7. Event and attribute selector supports pinyin search, and supports content retrieval through pinyin full spelling and pinyin first letter.

  8. Optimize the interactive experience of the analysis model, strengthen the hierarchical structure of query settings, and improve the efficiency of use.

  9. Optimize the experience of longer tasks such as downloads. The task progress will be displayed in the hover widget. For longer tasks, background tasks can be added. When the task is completed, you can view the task results or download data in the 'Task List' in the title bar.

  • Change Point:
  1. Cluster Number, Cluster Name, Label Number and Label Signature will be changed to Cluster Name, Display Name, Label Signature and Display Name respectively in the new version.
  • Access Method:

1.Add Cocos2d-x SDK

# Version v3.1

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. With the addition of project space, project members can standardize the sharing of Dashboard boards through project space, unify the folder structure and arrangement sequence of Dashboard boards, and make communication and cooperation more efficient and convenient.

  2. Dashboard 'collaborator' permissions are added to Dashboard sharing, and Dashboard creators can configure collaborators to jointly edit Dashboard reports.

  3. New third-party platform applications , support and WeCom, DingTalk or Feishu binding, third-party scan the code login, application workbench one click login and receive TA dynamic features.

  4. Add TA mobile version (opens new window), use mobile devices such as mobile phones to access TA background, or enter TA background through third-party platform applications to access the mobile version.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. SQL query model, add more dynamic parameter types, parse statements no longer replace all the contents of the query box, replace it with add at the end.

  2. Labels can be used in the creation expression of virtual properties.

  3. When modifying the event of the indicator, it is determined whether the filter criteria are still applicable and the applicable part is retained.

  • Access Method:
  1. Unity SDK supports PC games (Windows, macOS), supports reporting data in UnityEditor, adds multi-instance features, and supports code to set default instances.

  2. LogBus adds statuscommand to view current upload speed and status.

# Version v3.0

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. The SQL query model is original and biochemical, which supports saving SQL as a report into Dashboard; the type of dynamic parameters is extended, and can be modified when exploring the query of the module.
  • Optimization Points:
  1. The model interface is reconstructed, the new interaction pattern is adopted, the table performance is improved, and the use experience during analysis is optimized.

  2. The grouping method of list type attributes is added with the option of 'set by element'. After selection, the list attributes will be deduplicated and will not be affected by the order of elements during grouping calculation. The calculation logic increases the 'set deduplicate number' and calculates the deduplicate number after the list is processed by the set.

  3. The association between virtual event attributes and events can be customized, adding the option of 'specify event association' and 'full event association' to the original judgment.

  4. The report in Dashboard supports dragging and adjusting the position; the large picture report supports adjusting the height, which is convenient to view a large amount of data.

  5. The retention model and funnel model add the function of full data download.

  6. In attribute analysis, the label value can be calculated as an analysis attribute.

  • Access Method:
  1. Added Lua SDK

  2. Mini game SDK has undergone a major update . The platform added Bilibili small game, Xiami mini game, H5 game support; support ts project access; three game engine SDK synchronization support common Mini game, fast game platform (Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO), H5 game.

# Version v2.8

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Two new tag creation methods are added- 'first and last feature' and 'index value'. The 'first and last feature' can take the attribute when the user first/last produces a certain behavior in a period of time as the label value, while the 'index value' takes the index value of the user in a period of time as the label value.

  2. Added exploration module function to support customized drill-down analysis of Dashboard reports.

  3. TA Developer Tools is greatly optimized, the original data deletion tool is merged into the secondary power builder, metadata editing (deleting attributes or modifying attribute types) is added, and data deduplicate functions.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Dashboard interface reconstruction, clearer data, more convenient to use.

  2. Event analysis adds pie distribution map.

  3. Event search supports searching the original name of the event.

# Version v2.7

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. New user tag function, tags can divide users into multiple levels, corresponding to multiple tag values, currently support setting user tags according to index conditions and upload ID lists.

  2. New event tracking management function is added. Event tracking management is divided into three parts. The 'event tracking information' module shows the recent data reception, the 'real-time data' module shows the real-time warehousing data and error data samples, and the 'Debug data' module is used to cooperate with the client side SDK Debug mode.

  3. The event analysis model adds a single event splitting function, which can split an event according to a certain attribute, calculate the ratio between the split event and the unsplit event in the formula, and calculate the proportion of each part to the whole after splitting.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Event list dropdown menu style update, add the function of setting top common events.

  2. Numerical attribute interval support batch setting.

  3. When calculating by week, you can customize the start date of the week.

  4. Time zone function can select multiple project display time zones.

  5. retention model at the same time display function to increase the characteristics of editing formula.

  • Access Method:
  1. Added Unreal Engine SDK

  2. New data transfer tool: Filebeat + Logstash

  3. Logbus adds Windows version

# Version v2.6

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Added permission management module , add role management, data rights group and member group concepts, support for the project members of the system function rights and data viewing rights to set.

  2. Added time zone management module , allowing data in the project to be offset to the specified time zone for calculation and viewing.

  3. Add the function of creating user groups based on ID list upload.

  4. Added system member management page.

  5. New location event function for user behavior sequence.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. New model SQL and model API configuration view and export function in the analysis model.

  2. Add 'median' calculation keywords for numerical attributes.

  3. Distribution analysis supports formula editing.

  • Access method:
  1. Added Flutter SDK

  2. Small game SDK adds Egret engine, LAYABOX engineand CocosCreator engineSDK.

# Version v2.5

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. New data types: List list, which can cover user tags, A/B test experimental groups, prop backpacks and other scenes, and provide analysis functions that conform to the characteristics of the list in subsequent models.

  2. Added Dashboard copy and import export function.

  3. In metadata management, support batch upload and download display name configuration to modify display name.

  4. Added event details view and download function.

  5. Added OpenAPI for analytics models, user clusters, and dimension tables.

  6. Added report management function.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Funnel model window period optimization supports window periods of hours and minutes.

  2. Event analysis supports time period comparison.

  3. In the time selection control, add a description from a certain date to the present.

# Version v2.4

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Added a multi-user identification system to support the use of custom fields other than the default ID as user-related fields in retention analysis, funnel analysis, and distribution analysis.

  2. The retention model is greatly optimized.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Analysis objects and grouping items in the analysis model support changing order by dragging.

  2. The event attribute management page in metadata adds a list of events to which the attribute belongs, and you can view which events a certain attribute belongs to.

  3. Event analysis table display optimization, closer to the actual business scenario.

  • Access Method:
  1. Added OPPO fast game, VIVO fast game SDK.

  2. Added Node.js SDK .

# Version v2.3

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Added virtual event function to support the combination of multiple meta-events and filter criteria to form virtual events and apply them as events in the analysis model.

  2. Add early warning management to monitor and push abnormal data results by configuring early warning rules.

  3. New Dashboard list folder function, the same type of Bashboard can be included in a folder.

  4. New third-party login: DingTalk and WeCom are currently supported.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Event analysis adds global filtering function.

  2. Add the function of copying analysis objects and their filtering criteria to event analysis and funnel analysis.

  3. Event virtual properties support associated user features.

  • Access Method:
  1. Added user feature reset interface user_unset, you can empty the attribute value of one or more user features.

  2. Added preset attribute #zone_offset, which records the number of hours the event time is offset from utc time.

# Version v2.2

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Added dimension table attribute function to support uploading dimension tables in csv format, mapping the id value, emuneration value and other contents of existing attributes, common scenarios such as commodity props id Chinese mapping.

  2. New virtual attributes feature , which can generate new virtual attributes through SQL expressions based on existing attributes and apply them to the analysis model.

  3. New Dashboard global filtering function . In Dashboard, time and attribute filtering are supported. The filtering criteria will be applied to all reports in the current Dashboard.

  4. Adding approximate calculation function, turning on approximate calculation will greatly improve the performance of calculation, and the standard error of calculation results will be controlled within 0.4%.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. The upper limit of grouping fields is expanded to 10 and the upper limit of funnel model steps is expanded to 30 steps.

  2. The simultaneous display function of retention analysis model supports adding filtering conditions to simultaneous display events.

  • Access Method:
  1. New Mini Program, small game SDK, support more Mini Program, small game platform. WeChat Mini Program, Alipay Mini Program, ByteDance Mini Program, Baidu Mini Program, Fast Application, WeChat Mini Game, ByteDance Mini Game and Baidu Mini Game Platform are now supported.

  2. Added server level access methods C SDKand Golang SDK.

# Version v2.1

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. Added result group function. When the analysis model result is the number of users, it supports the creation of users in the result set as user groups, that is, result group. The result grouping can be used as a filter condition or group item in all analysis models.

  2. User grouping is renamed as conditional group, and filter keywords are added to support the creation of group based on the total number of days to do something and the indicators to do something (such as the sum of the recharge amount > 500).

  3. TA grouped deployment and update support offline.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Event analysis adds cumulative trend chart display.

  2. Added configuration for client side SDK push strategy in project management, which can adjust the push time interval or number interval according to actual needs.

  3. Added the function of adjusting the number of rows displayed in the analysis model table, supporting one page to display 10, 20, 50, and 100 pieces of data.

  4. In the user behavior sequence module, it supports viewing user behavior sequences by hour and reverse order, and adds the function of refreshing data.

  • Access Method:
  1. JS SDK adds multiple APPID instance functions, adding public attributes and dynamic public attribute interfaces.

  2. New server level C #SDK

  3. Android , iOS SDK code refactoring, release 2.0.

# Version v2.0

Version description doc (opens new window)

  • New Features:
  1. retention analysis adds user feature group, stage average and simultaneous display function.

  2. Add filter condition replication function.

  3. The Data Cleanup Tool supports custom filters to clear eligible data.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Web page refactoring, optimizing global interaction, including the search, sorting and related interaction logic of each module

  2. Optimize the interaction logic of the front and back ends of the data search, and add a data loading timing progress function, which can directly learn the current query progress through the page, and when the query is interrupted, the system will actively recycle relevant resources to improve the overall performance of the group.

  • Access Method:
  1. Android and iOS SDK add multi-APP_ID instance function, automatically collect events and add APP crash events

  2. Added Unity SDK

# Version v1.11

  • New Features:
  1. New Dashboard timing cache function is added. Dashboard with no real-time requirement can be updated and cached regularly, thus greatly improving the response speed of subsequent viewing.

  2. The new server level data access ip whitelist function can be combined with the project security policy to control the data push end ip.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. SQL custom query module adds bookmark saving function, SQL bookmarks will be recorded in the account.
  • Access Method:
  1. LogBus greatly optimizes performance and stability . It is recommended to use the old version of the user to update to the new version.

  2. WeChat Mini Program supports automatic collection function.

  3. Java SDK | Python SDK optimizes performance and stability.

# Version v1.10

  • New Features:
  1. Add a new distribution analysis model to analyze the distribution of user behavior frequency or event indicators within a certain period of time.
  • Optimization Points:
  1. In the user group definition, the dynamic time selection logic optimization is expanded from the last N days to any time window.

  2. In the event analysis model, non-formula analysis objects support renaming.

  3. TA system account name length limit adjusted from 12 characters to 50 characters.

  • Access Method:
  1. Add Alipay Mini Program SDK.

  2. LogBus supports HTTPS protocol, supports sub-directory monitoring, and supports Kafka data sources to transfer data to multiple projects.

# Version v1.9

  • New Features:
  1. Add the default group function, which can be operated in the group control in the chart, check the default group option in the dropdown menu of the control, and the subsequent opening of the report will check the first N items by default (the specific number can be customized) Eligible group.

  2. In all analysis models, the system fields 'Account ID' and 'visitor ID' in the user feature are displayed, and users can be filtered or grouped according to these two fields.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Optimized the graph and Dashboard display logic when analyzing multiple objects in event analysis.

  2. Optimized metadata management and user background UI and interface interaction.

  3. Optimize automatic operation and maintenance components to solve occasional abnormal false positives caused by network jitter.

  4. Optimize user table storage and query process, including user search, user list and user data ETL functions, performance will be greatly improved.

# Version v1.8

  • New Features:
  1. New user search portal , you can filter according to user features directly into the user list or user behavior sequence.
  • Optimization points:
  1. The 'anonymous ID' in the system is uniformly renamed as 'guest ID'.

  2. Add super administrator reset password function to the access system.

  3. IP library analysis optimization update, greatly improves the accuracy of foreign IP resolution.

  4. The UI has been greatly optimized.

# Version v1.7

  • Optimization Points:
  1. In the retention analysis model, add the retention analysis of the day, that is, the retention of the return visit behavior on the day of the initial behavior.

  2. In the retention analysis model, the daily retention and loss calculation cycle is extended to 180 days.

  3. Add 'relative current time' and 'relative event occurrence time' operators for the time type attribute.

  4. Time control precision optimized to hours in event analysis model.

  5. In the event analysis model, row and column conversion is supported in the table, and the grouping fast search function.

  • Access Method:
  1. Android, iOS SDK event reporting interface, add the function of setting event trigger time.

# Version v1.6

  • New Features:
  1. Added user behavior flow analysis model , an exploratory model to analyze behavior sequence, behavior preference, key nodes, and transformation efficiency.
  • Optimization Points:
  1. Dashboard lists support drag and drop, support user-defined Dashboard list order.

  2. In the event analysis model formula editing, it supports filtering condition settings for individual objects in the formula.

  3. ETL components are optimized and updated, and data processing and throughput capabilities are greatly improved.

  4. Query engine kernel version upgrade.

  • Access Method:
  1. Added React Native Android withiOS support.

  2. Added Weex Android with iOS support.

  3. Add server level SDK: PHP SDK.

  4. Java SDK , Python SDK , iOS SDK version update.

# Version v1.5

  • New Features:
  1. Add a user feature analysis model to analyze and compare user features through grouping and filtering.

  2. Added historical data import channel switch, which can import massive historical data more efficiently after being turned on.

  3. Added data access monitoring background, able to view data import and error data cases in the background.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. In the time grouping in event analysis, the options of 'by minute 'and 'total' are provided.

  2. Optimized the problem of loading massive data simultaneously with multiple reports in Dashboard.

  3. Optimize user feature import ETL logic to greatly improve the efficiency of user table import.

  • Access Method:
  1. LogBus has made important updates, supporting multiple instances, multi-thread safety, optional data compression methods, and performance optimization.

# Version v1.4

  • New Features:
  1. Added event grouping function, users can group events and display settings according to their own needs, and it is no longer difficult to manage because of too many event types.
  • Optimization Points:
  1. Optimized time control for easier selection of relative time.

  2. Expand the maximum number of event attributes and user features that can be received to meet the needs of more data dimensions.

  3. Automatic operation and maintenance system adds monitoring of IDE tools and NTP services.

  4. Added support for server time zone inconsistencies.

  • Access Method:
  1. Add WeChat Mini Program SDK 2. Add WeChat Mini Game SDK.

# Version v1.3

  • New Features:
  1. Added Dashboard configuration function and small Dashboard style.

  2. iOS and Android SDK add automatic acquisition function. For App startup, exit and other behaviors, developers can quickly complete event tracking operations through the custom acquisition function.

  3. New data deletion tool in self-hosting environment, which can delete accessed data by itself.

  4. New data refresh function in the analysis model and Dashboard display, which can refresh real-time data instantly across the background cache.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. " In the user list "and 'user behavior sequence' , add the check memory function for event attributes and user features.

  2. Automated operation and maintenance tool function optimization.

  3. Underlying storage and query engine read and write performance optimization.

  • Access Method:
  1. Added Restful Api interface to support data transmission using HTTP POST method.

# Version v1.2

  • New Features:
    1. Add 'user behavior sequence' function to view the behavior sequence and behavior distribution of individual users in the analysis results.
    2. Add a 'user list' jump function to the analysis model. When the analysis result is the number of people, you can jump directly to the list of eligible users.
  • Optimization Points: 3. 'User Clustering' supports classification of users who have not generated behavior. 4. 'Funnel analysis' model with calculation of lapsed user between steps added.

# Version v1.1

  • New Features:
  1. New 'funnel analysis' function can analyze the transformation and loss of each step between multiple key steps, thus optimizing the transformation efficiency of each step.

  2. Add a 'user grouping' function to classify client bases based on user behavior characteristics and user features, and analyze specified user groups in the analysis model.

  3. In-line automated operation and maintenance system, self-hosting deployment users do not need to maintain the cluster independently, and the non-server hardware-level problem system will repair itself.

  • Optimization Points:
  1. Modify known bugs and some UI optimizations.

  2. The retention analysis algorithm is greatly optimized, and the calculation performance is improved by more than 100% under the same query conditions.

# Version v1.0

  • New Features: 5. A new 'event analysis' function is added to analyze the behavior trend changes and dimension comparison of users in a specified period of time through screening, grouping and aggregation of user behavior events. 6. A new 'retention analysis' function is added to analyze the subsequent return visit behavior of users after completing a certain behavior, such as the situation that users who generate login behavior generate login behavior again in the following seven days, i.e. the retention rate of active users on the seventh day. 7. The new 'report management' function can save some commonly used analysis models as reports for subsequent inquiries and can be added to the Dashboard. 8. The new 'Dashboard Management'function can display multiple reports at the same time, which is convenient to query the data dimensions of multiple groups of related scenes for comparative analysis and can be shared with other users. 9. Added 'metadata management' function, allowing users to track and view the incoming data and manage editing. 10. Add 'Permission Management'module. 11. Six new data access tools.

a. Client SDK:Android, iOS, JavaScript

B. server level SDK: Java , Python

C. server level log collection tool: LogBus