
# LogBus Windows Version Guide

This section mainly introduces how to use the Windows version of the data transmission tool LogBus:

**Before starting the docking, you need to read the **data rules first. After you are familiar with the data format and data rules of the TA, read this guide for docking.

**LogBus upload data must follow TA's **data format

# Download LogBus Windows version

**The latest version is **: 1.3.0

**Updated **: 2021-10-19

Download address (opens new window)

# I. Introduction of LogBus

The LogBus tool is mainly used to import the back-end log data into the TA background in real time. Its core working principle is similar to Flume. It will monitor the file flow under the server log directory. When any log file under the directory has new data, It will verify the new data and send it to the TA background in real time.

The following categories of users are recommended to use LogBus to access data:

  1. Users using the server level SDK upload data via LogBus
  2. High requirements for data accuracy and dimensions, only through the client side SDK can not meet the demands for data, or inconvenient access to the client side SDK
  3. Don't want to develop your own back-end data push process
  4. Need to transfer large quantities of historical data

# II. Data preparation Before Use

  1. First, the data that needs to be transferred is converted into the data format of TA by ETL, and written locally or transmitted to the Kafka cluster. If the server level SDK is used to write local files or Kafka consumers, the data is already The correct format does not need to be converted.

  2. Determine the directory where the uploaded data files are stored, or the address and topic of Kafka, and configure the relevant configuration of LogBus . LogBus will monitor file changes in the file directory (monitor file creation or tail existing files), or subscribe to Kafka Data.

  3. Do not directly rename data logs stored in the monitoring directory and uploaded. Renaming logs is equivalent to creating new files. LogBus may upload these files again, causing data duplication.

  4. Since the LogBus data transfer component contains data buffers, the LogBus directory may take up slightly more disk space, so please ensure that the disk space of the LogBus installation node is sufficient, and each item (that is, an additional APP_ID) must be reserved for at least 10G of storage space.

# III. Installation and Upgrade of LogBus

# 3.1 Installing LogBus

  1. Download the LogBus compression package (opens new window)and decompress it.

  2. Unzipped directory structure:

  3. Bin: Launcher folder

  4. Conf: configuration file folder

  5. Lib: function folder

# IV. Parameter Configuration of LogBus

  1. Enter the unzipped confdirectory, which has a configuration file logB us.conf. Template, which contains all the configuration parameters of LogBus and can be renamed to logB us.confwhen used for the first time.

  2. Open the logB us.conffile for relevant parameter configuration

# 4.1 Project and data source configuration (must be configured)

  • Project APP_ID

APP_ID non-repeatable configuration

##APPID is from token on TGA website. Please get the APPID of the accessing project from the project configuration page in TA background and fill it in here. Multiple APPIDs are split by''.

  • Monitor file configuration (please select one, must be configured)

# 4.1.1. When the data source is a local file

The path and file name of the data file read by ##LogBus (file name supports ambiguous matching) requires read permission
##Different APPIDs are separated by commas, while different directories of the same APPID are separated by spaces
##TAIL_ FILE file name supports wildcard matching

TAIL_FILE Supports monitoring of multiple files in multiple subdirectories under multiple paths

The corresponding parameters are configured as:


TAIL_FILE=C:/root/log_dir1/dir_*/log.* C:/root/log_dir*/log*/log.*,C:/test_log/*

The specific rules are as follows:

  • Multiple monitoring paths of the same APP_ID are divided by spaces
  • The monitoring paths of different APP_ID are divided by **commas **" ,", and the monitoring paths correspond to each other after being divided by commas APP_ID
  • The directory in the monitoring path supports monitoring through wild-card
  • Filename support using wild-card monitoring
  • The path delimiter can use " /" or " \\\", **do not use " \" **, for example: C:/root/_ logor C:\\\ root\\ _ log

Do not store log files that need to be monitored in the server root directory.

# 4.1.2. When the data source is kafka

Parameters KAFKA_TOPICSWhen you need to monitor multiple topics, you can use spaces to separate each topic; if there are multiple APP_ID, use half-corner commas to separate the topics monitored by each APP_ID. The parameter KAFKA_GROUPIDmust be unique. Parameters KAFKA_OFFSET_RESET, you can set the kafka.consumer.auto.offset.resetparameters of Kafka, the preferred values are earliestand latest, and the default setting is earliest.

Note: The Kafka version of the data source must be or higher

Single APP_ID example:


######kafka configure
#KAFKA_TOPICS=topic1 topic2

Multiple APP_ID examples:


######kafka configure
#KAFKA_TOPICS=topic1 topic2,topic3 topic4

# 4.2 Configuration of transmission parameters (must be configured)

##Transfer Settings
##URL transmitted by

##For HTTP transmission use the
##If you are using a self-hosting deployment service, modify the transfer URL to: http://Data Acquisition Address/logbus

##Maximum number per transmission
##How often should it be transmitted at least once (in seconds)
##Number of transfer threads, default single thread, recommended for use when network conditions are poor, multi-thread will consume more memory and CPU resources

##Compressed format for file transfer:gzip,snappy,none

# 4.3 Converter Configuration (optional configuration)

##Converter type temporary supportjson csv regex splitter

##Additional Fixed Attributes in Format:name value,name1 value1

##Attribute name and type for PARSE_ TYPE: CSV regex splitter, format:name type, name1 type 1
##Types of support are:float int string date list bool

##Specify separator, PARSE_ TYPE cannot be empty when CSV splitter

##Specify the separator for the list type. When a list type exists, it defaults to:

##Regular expression, PARSE_ TYPE cannot be empty when regex

# 4.4 Monitoring File Deletion Configuration (optional configuration)

# Monitor directory file deletion and remove comments to start the delete file function
#can only be deleted by day or hour
#Delete how long ago
#Delete uploaded monitoring files every few minutes

# 4.5 Sample Configuration File

##    Thinkingdata Data Analysis Platform Transfer Tool LogBus Profile
##Non-comments are required parameters and comments are optional parameters which can be adapted to your own circumstances
##Proper configuration
##Environmental Requirements: java8+, see TGA website for more detailed requirements

##APPID token from TGA website
##Different APPIDs are separated by commas and cannot be configured repeatedly


##The path and file name of the data file read by LogBus (file name supports ambiguous matching) requires read permission
##Different APPIDs are separated by commas, while different directories of the same APPID are separated by spaces
##TAIL_ FILE File Names Support Regular Expressions in the Java Standard
TAIL_FILE=C:/path1/log.* C:/path2/txt.*,C:/path3/log.* C:/path4/log.* C:/path5/txt.*


##Transfer Settings
URL transmitted by ##
##If you are using a self-hosting deployment service, please modify the transfer URL to: http://Data Acquisition Address/logbus
PUSH_URL=http://${Data Acquisition Address}/logbus

##Maximum number per transmission

##How often should it be transmitted at least once (in seconds)

##### http compress
##Compressed format for file transfer: gzip, snappy, none

##Do you add UUID attributes to each data

##Converter type temporary support:json csv regex splitter

##Additional Fixed Attributes in Format:name value,name1 value1

##Attribute name and type for PARSE_ TYPE: CSV regex splitter in format:name type,name1 type1
##Types of support are:float int string date list bool

##Specify separator, PARSE_ TYPE cannot be empty when CSV splitter

##Specify the separator for the list type. When a list type exists, it defaults to:

##Regular expression, PARSE_ TYPE cannot be empty when regex

##To start the delete file function, start the delete file program every hour by opening the note (you must open both fields below) to delete the file in the monitor directory.
##Delete files before offset by unit
##Delete how long ago
##Only receive deletions by day or hour

# V. Start LogBus

Please check the following before starting for the first time:

  1. Check the java version

Enter the bindirectory, there will be two scripts, check_java.batand logbus.bat

Where check_javais used to detect whether the java version meets the requirements, execute the script, if the java version does not meet the Java version is less than 1.8or Can't find java, please install jre first.Wait for the prompt

You can update the JDK version or see the next section to install the JDK separately for LogBus

  1. Install LogBus's independent JDK

If the LogBus deploys a node, the JDK version does not meet the LogBus requirements due to environmental reasons, and cannot be replaced with the JDK version that meets the LogBus requirements. You can use this feature.

Enter the bindirectory, there will be install_logbus_jdk.bat.

Running this script will add a new java directory to the LogBus working directory. LogBus will use the JDK environment in this directory by default.

  1. Complete the configuration of logB us.conf and run the parameter environment check command

For the configuration of logB us.conf, please refer to the Configuring LogBus section

After the configuration is completed, run the envcommand to check whether the configuration parameters are correct

logbus.bat env

If the red exception information is output, there is a problem with the configuration and it needs to be modified again until the configuration file has no exception prompt.

When you modify the configuration of the logB us.conf, you need to restart LogBus for the new configuration to take effect

  1. Start LogBus
logbus.bat start

After the startup is completed, a logkit.exe will be opened. Please do not close it, otherwise it may cause data to be uploaded repeatedly.

# VI. Detailed LogBus Command

# 6.1 Help Information

Without arguments or --help or -h, help information will be displayed

Mainly introduce the commands of LogBus:

usage: logbus <Command | Auxiliary Command> [Option]
        start                                                        Start logBus.
        restart                                                      Restart logBus.
        stop                                                         Exit logBus safely.
        reset                                                        Reset logBus to read records
        stop_atOnce                                                  Force logBus exit.
Auxiliary Command:
        env                                                          Operating environment verification.
        server [-url <url>|-url <url> -appid <appid>]                Test Receiver Network.
        show_conf                                                    Display current logBus configuration information.
        version                                                      Display version number.
        update                                                       Update logbus to latest version.

 -appid <appid>   Project appid
 -h,--help        Display Help Document and Exit.
 -path <path>     Specify the absolute path to the test file
 -url <url>       Specify the URL address for the test
   logbus.bat start                                                    Start logBus.
   logbus.bat stop                                                     Exit logBus safely.
   logbus.bat restart                                                  Restart logBus.
   logbus.bat server -url http://${Receiver Address}/logbus -appid *****      Test Receiver Network

# 6.2 Transport Channel Check server -url

After you complete the format verification, you also need to check whether the data channel is open. You can use the server -urlcommand to check. While checking, you can enter the APP_ID you received on the TA platform. Note that APP_ID is bound to your project. Please make sure that the APP_ID you enter corresponds to your project before entering.

 logbus.bat server -url http://${Receiver Address}/logbus -appid ${appid}

# 6.3 Display Configuration Information show_conf

You can use the show_confcommand to view the configuration information of LogBus, as shown in the following figure:

logbus.bat show_conf

# 6.4 Start Environment Check env

You can use envto check the startup environment. If the output information is followed by an asterisk, it means that there is a problem with the configuration and you need to modify it again until there is no asterisk prompt.

logbus.bat env

# 6.5 Upgrade LogBus Version update

You can use updateto update the version online, this command will update the LogBus to the latest version.

logbus.bat update

# 6.6 Start start

After you have completed the format verification, data channel inspection and environment inspection, you can start LogBus to upload data. LogBus will automatically detect whether there is new data written to your file, and if there is new data, upload the data.

logbus.bat start

# 6.7 Stop stop

If you want to stop the LogBus, use the stopcommand. It will take some time, but there will be no data loss.

logbus.bat stop

# 6.8 Stop stop_atOnce

If you want to stop LogBus immediately, use the stop_atOncecommand, which may cause data loss.

logbus.bat stop_atOnce

# 6.9 restart

You can use the restartcommand to restart LogBus, which is suitable for making the new configuration take effect after modifying the configuration parameters.

logbus.bat restart

# 6.10 Reset reset

Using resetwill reset LogBus. Please use this command carefully. Once used, the file transfer record will be cleared and LogBus will upload all data again. If you use this command under unclear conditions, it may cause duplication of your data. It is recommended to communicate with TA staff before using it.

logbus.bat reset

After using the reset command, you need to perform startto restart the data transfer.

# 6.11 View Version Number version

If you want to know the version number of the LogBus you are using, you can use the versioncommand. If your LogBus does not have this command, the version you are using is an earlier version.

logbus.bat version

# ChangeLog

# Version 1.3.0 --- 2021/10/19

  • Support non-TA format data upload

# Version 1.2.0 --- 2021/05/26

  • Support cygWin mode

# Version 1.1.0 --- 2020/08/28

  • Support adding #UUID
  • Support#event_id and #first_check_id
  • Support multi-threaded sending
  • Supports delimiter resolution and regular resolution

# Version 1.0.0 --- 2020/06/25

  • LogBusiness-Windows Release