
# Mini Program/Mini Game SDK User Guide


Before accessing, please read the preparation before accessing .

You can get the source code of Mini Program/Mini Game SDK in GitHub (opens new window).

If you use game engines to develop small games, please read the integration schemes of common game engines: Egret Engine , LayaAir , CocosCreator .

**The latest version is: **2.0. 2

**Updated: **2021-1 2 - 31

**Download address **: Mini Program (opens new window), Mini Games (opens new window)

Mini Program/Mini Game SDK provides a set of standard API interfaces for common Mini Program platforms, fast applications, and small game platforms to realize data reporting functions. Currently, the supported platforms and corresponding files are as follows:

Mini Program:

  • WeChat Mini Program: thinkingdata.wx.min.js
  • Baidu Mini Program: thinkingdata.swan.min.js
  • ByteDance Mini Program: thinkingdata.tt.min.js
  • Alipay Mini Program: thinkingdata.my.min.js
  • DingTalk Mini Program: thinkingdata.dd.min.js
  • Kuaishou Mini Program: thinkingdata.ks.min.js
  • Fast application: thinkingdata.quick.min.js

Small games:

  • WeChat games: thinkingdata.mg.wx.min.js
  • QQ mini game: thinkingdata.mg.qq.min.js
  • ByteDance mini-games: thinkingdata.mg.tt.min.js
  • Baidu games: thinkingdata.mg.swan.min.js
  • Bilibili mini-games: thinkingdata.mg.bl.min.js
  • Huawei Quick Game: thinkingdata.mg.huawei.min.js
  • OPPO quick game: thinkingdata.mg.oppo.min.js
  • LI @ @ VE: thinkingdata.mg.vivo.min.js
  • Meizu Quick Game: thinkingdata.mg.mz.min.js
  • Xiaomi Quick Game: thinkingdata.mg.xiaomi.min.js
  • H5 mini-games
  • UC Games
  • Facebook games

# I. Integrated SDK

Note that before reporting data, please add the data transmission URL to the request list of the server domain name in the development settings of WeChat public platform or other platforms.

# II. Configure SDK

As in the previous example, you need to call the initmethod to initialize the SDK:


After the initialization method initis actively called, the data will actually be reported. This allows you to control when data starts reporting, ensuring that you have completed the necessary settings for the SDK (user ID, public event properties, etc.) before data starts reporting.

# 2.1 Set Visitor ID

By default, the SDK will randomly generate a guest ID to identify the user. You can call the identifyinterface to customize the guest ID:

// Set the visitor ID corresponding to #distinct_in the reported data ID

::: tip, please set the guest ID before the initinterface call is completed. If you need to use WeChat open ID as a guest ID, you can call identifyto set the guest ID in the callback of the open ID, and then call initto complete

SDK initialization


# 2.2 Set Account ID

When the user generates login behavior, you can call loginto set the user's account ID. TA platform priority to account ID as the identity ( user identification rules )

, the set account ID will be saved, and multiple calls to loginwill overwrite the previous account ID:

// Set account ID corresponding to #account_in the reported data ID

After the user produces login behavior, you can call logoutto clear the account ID. Before the next call to login, the guest ID will be used as the identification ID:

// Remove #account_from reported data ID field


The loginand logoutmethods are only used to set and clear the account ID, and will not report user login and logout events.

# 2.3 Set Public Event Properties


Public event properties are properties that all events (including auto-collect events) will include, and are not included in user features .

This section describes how to set public event properties and dynamic public properties. If the public property has the same key value as the custom property set in the event, the final property is valued according to the following priority:

User custom event properties > Dynamic public properties > Event public properties

# 3.3.1 Set event public properties

You can call setSuperPropertiesto set the public event properties, which are formatted in the same way as the event properties. Only constants can be passed in during setting, which is suitable for setting attributes that do not change frequently.

According to the property priority, the custom property priority is higher than the event public property, so the event public property can also be used as the default value of a property, setting the key of the same name to override the default value in the event that needs to be modified.

//Set Common Event Properties
ta.setSuperProperties({ channel: "channel" });

//Upload events using track with common event attributes
  "Purchase", //Name of tracking event
    Item: "Product A",
    ItemNum: 1,
    Cost: 100,
  } //Event attributes to upload

/* Equivalent to adding these common attributes to an event
    'Purchase', //Name of tracking event
        Item:'Product A',
        channel:'channel' //Equivalent to adding this attribute to an event

If you call setSuperPropertiesmultiple times to set the public event property, the call after the field with the same name overrides the previous field with different names.

If you need to delete a public event property, you can call unsetSuperProperty ()to clear one of the public event properties; if you want to empty all public event properties, you can call clearSuperProperties (); if you want to get all public event properties, you can call getSuperProperties;

// Clear public property named CHANNEL

//Clear common event attributes

//Get static common event attributes

# 3.3.2 Setting dynamic public properties

You can call the setDynamicSuperPropertiesinterface and pass in a callback function to set dynamic public properties. The return value of the callback function is added to the event property as a public property:

// Setting UTC time as event attribute reporting via dynamic common attributes
ta.setDynamicSuperProperties(() => {
  var localDate = new Date();
  return {
    utcTime: new Date(
      localDate.getTime() + localDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000

The callback function must return a JS object, where each element represents an attribute. The attribute format must be consistent with the event attribute.

# III. Send Events

You can directly call trackto upload custom events. It is recommended that you set the attributes of the event and the conditions for sending information according to the previously combed doc. Here, take the purchase of goods as an example:

  "Purchase", //Name of tracking event
    Item: "Product A",
    ItemNum: 1,
    Cost: 100,
    Elements: ["apple", "ball", "cat"],
  } //Event attributes to upload
  • The trackinterface has two parameters, the first parameter is the name of the event, and the second parameter is the attribute of the event
  • The name of the event is string, can only start with a letter, can contain numbers, letters and the underscore "_", is up to 50 characters in length, and is not sensitive to letter case.
  • The properties of the event are JS objects, and each element represents a property.
  • The name of the element corresponds to the name of the attribute. It is stipulated that only letters can be used at the beginning, including numbers, letters and underscore "_". The maximum length is 50 characters and is not sensitive to case of letters.
  • The value of the element is the value of the property, supporting String, Number, Boolean, Dateand Array.

    Note: Array type attributes are supported in versions after v1.5.0, and need to be compatible with TA platform 2.5 and later versions.

The Mini Program SDK will get the scene value when the Mini Program starts (onlaunch). If the scene value can be obtained, in the Life Time of this Mini Program, all events will have the attribute of #scene.

# 3.1 Set Event Reporting Time

The time when the event is triggered defaults to the local time, but in some cases, you may need to manually set the time of the event. You can use the following methods to call:

//The third parameter, which can be entered as a Date type parameter, replaces the event triggering time
ta.track("event", { parakey: "paravalue" }, new Date());

//If no properties need to be uploaded, pass in an empty object
ta.track("event", {}, new Date());
  • The third parameter is the event trigger time, which must be of type Date. The event trigger time will be replaced. If this parameter is not passed, the event trigger time will default to the user's native time

# 3.2 Record the Duration of the Event

You can call timeEventto start timing, configure the event type you want to time, and when you upload the event, you will automatically add #durationto your event attribute to indicate the length of the record, in seconds.

//The user enters the merchandise page and starts timing with the event "Enter_Shop"


//Upload the event, the timer ends, and the event "Enter_Shop" will have the attribute #duration"for the duration of the event
ta.track("Enter_Shop", { product_id: "A1354" });

# IV. User Attributes

# 4.1 Set User Features ( userSet )

For general user features, you can call userSetto set it. Attributes uploaded using this interface will overwrite the original attribute values. If the user feature does not exist before, the user feature will be created

//Set user attributes, membership levels
ta.userSet({ vip_level: "Diamond Members" });

Consistent with the event attribute when uploading an event, the user feature passed in here is also an object type. Name corresponds to the name of the attribute. It is stipulated that only letters can be started, including numbers, letters and underscores '_'. The maximum length is 50 characters. It is not sensitive to case of letters. Value is the value of the attribute and supports String


Note: Array types are supported in versions above v1.5.0 and need to be used in conjunction with TA platform 2.5 and later versions.

# 4.2 Initializing User Features ( userSetOnce )

If the user feature you want to upload only needs to be set once, you can call userSetOnceto set it. When the attribute already has a value before, this information will be ignored.

//For example, set the username. If the username is set, ignore this setting and if it does not exist, set it to the incoming value
ta.userSetOnce({ user_name: "TA" });

The parameter requirements of userSetOnce are consistent with userSet.

# 4.3 Accumulate User Features ( userAdd )

When you want to upload a numeric attribute, you can call userAddto accumulate the attribute. If the attribute has not been set, a value of 0 will be assigned before calculation

//For example, if the user calls this interface every time he pays, then'total_ The revenue'field processes the accumulated payment amount each time
ta.userAdd({ total_revenue: 50 });

Consistent with the event attribute when uploading an event, the user feature passed in here is also an object type. Name corresponds to the name of the attribute. It can only start with letters, including numbers, letters and underscores '_'. The maximum length is 50 characters. It is not sensitive to the case of letters. Value is the value that the attribute needs to be accumulated. Only Number

Type, passing in negative numbers is equivalent to subtraction.

# 4.4 Reset User Features ( userUnset )

When you want to empty a user feature value of a user, you can call userUnsetto empty the specified attribute. If the attribute has not been created in the cluster, the userUnsetwill not create the attribute

//Clear property is a user property value with the name userPropertykey. This user is set to NULL

# 4.5 Delete User ( userDel )

If you want to delete a user, you can call userDelto delete the user. You will no longer be able to query the user features of the user, but the events generated by the user can still be queried


# 4.6 Append Elements to User Features of Type Array ( userAppend )

Since v1.5.0, you can call userAppendto append elements to user data of type Array (List).

ta.userAppend({ Elements: [("a": 1), ("b": 2)] });

Note: This feature needs to be used with TA platform 2.5 and later versions

# V. Automatic Acquisition Events

After version 1.2.0, we provide automatic collection function. Just open the events you need to automatically collect in the config where you create the instance. The SDK will automatically collect some behaviors of the Mini Program. Now there are mainly the following events to support automatic collection:

Automated data collection now supported are:

  1. Mini Program initialization, users will only trigger once
  2. Mini Program startup, including startup and background transfer back to the foreground
  3. Mini Program is transferred to the background and records the time of this visit (start to transfer to the background)
  4. The Mini Program page displays or cuts into the foreground, automatically recording the path of the page and the forward path
  5. Mini Program for forwarding and sharing, automatically record the page when forwarding

Next, we will introduce in detail the collection method of each data

# 5.1 Turn on automatic collection events

In config, the element in the parameter autoTrackrepresents the switch for each automatic acquisition event. Set to trueto turn on automatic acquisition:

var config = {
  appid: "YOU-APP-ID",
  server_url: "https://youserverurl.com",
  autoTrack: {
    appLaunch: true, // Automatic acquisition ta_mp_launch
    appShow: true, // Automatic acquisition ta_mp_show
    appHide: true, // Automatic acquisition ta_mp_hide
    pageShow: true, // Automatic acquisition ta_mp_view
    pageShare: true, // Automatic acquisition ta_mp_share
  • AppLaunch: Auto Capture Mini Program Initialization
  • AppShow: Auto Capture Mini Program starts or enters the foreground from the background
  • appHide: Auto Capture Mini Program from Front Desk to Backstage
  • PageShow: Automatically capture Mini Program page display or cut into the foreground
  • PageShare: Automatic collection of Mini Program for forwarding and sharing

Different platforms support different automatic collection events due to operating environment and structural reasons. The support list is as follows:

Mini Program

Small game

# 5.2 Detailed Automated Acquisition Events

# 5.2.1 Mini Program Initialization

Mini Program initialization will be triggered when the Mini Program is opened for the first time, or when the user kills the process and restarts it. It will only be triggered once in the Life Time of the process. The detailed events are described as follows:

  • Event name: ta_mp_launch
  • Automatic collection of attributes: #scene, scene value, taken from the scene value provided by WeChat

Through the Mini Program initialization event, you can calculate the number of users' usage per day and the number of users per capita, including grouping by scene values to see the usage of users with different scene values.

# 5.2.2 Mini Program Start

Mini Program startup will be triggered when the Mini Program is started or the Mini Program is transferred back to the foreground from the background. The detailed events are described as follows:

  • Event name: ta_mp_show
  • Automatic collection of attributes:
  • #Scene, scene value, taken from the scene value provided by WeChat
  • #url_path, page path, the path of the page to be displayed when the Mini Program starts

Mini Program startup is not suitable for direct analysis because it will be affected by the number of calls (more), but it can identify a user's use in the behavior path, which can be used as the initial behavior of the user's behavior path

# 5.2.3 Mini Program Hide

Mini Program Hide will be triggered when Mini Program is transferred to the background, and record the duration of this use. The detailed events are described as follows:

  • Event name: ta_mp_hide
  • Automatic acquisition properties:
    • #Scene, scene value, taken from the scene value provided by WeChat
    • #duration, numeric type, indicating the duration from this start (ta_mp_show) to hidden

Mini Program hidden events record usage time in seconds, so you can directly calculate the total usage time and timespan per person, or you can divide by the number of initializations to calculate the single usage time.

# 5.2.4 Mini Program Page View

Mini Program page browsing will be triggered when the Mini Program page is opened or when the Mini Program is transferred back to the front desk from the background to display the page. The path of the page and the forward path of the visit will be recorded. The detailed event description is as follows:

  • Event name: ta_mp_view
  • Automatic acquisition properties:
    • #Scene, scene value, taken from the scene value provided by WeChat
    • #url_path, the page path, which is the path of the displayed page
    • #referrer, forward path, the path of the page before the page is displayed, that is, the path before jumping. If it is the home page displayed when starting the Mini Program, the value is "Open directly"

Through the Mini Program page browsing events, you can calculate the pv, uv of each page, and the user's access path to the Mini Program.

# 5.2.5 Mini Program Page Forwarding and Sharing

Mini Program page forwarding sharing will be triggered when the forwarding button is clicked (including the forwarding button in the upper right navigation bar and the forwarding button in the page). The detailed event description is as follows:

  • Event name: ta_mp_share
  • Automatic collection of attributes:
    • #Scene, scene value, taken from the scene value provided by WeChat
    • #url_path, the page path, which is the page path when forwarding

Mini Program page forwarding sharing events are suitable for analyzing the sharing rate of pages and can help you optimize page forwarding.

# VI. Other Functions

# 6.1 Multiple Instances

Starting with v1.3.0, this SDK supports multiple instances. We refer to the instance ta initialized by the methods described above as the main instance, and the instance created by the methods described in this section as the sub-instance.

Device-related preset attributes (including device IDs) are shared between multiple instances, and other attributes are not shared, including:

  • #distinct_idVisitor ID
  • #account_idAccount ID
  • Public event properties, dynamic public properties
  • TimeEventmonitored events

You can create child instances to report data to another project, or to another set of user IDs.

// Create a sub-instance TT with the same default configuration as the main instance

// Set Visitor ID for Sub-instance

// Upload events via subinstance

// Create sub-instances of different configurations
var config = {
  appid: "ANOTHER-APP-ID",
  enablePersistence: true, // Open local caching for sub-instances

ta.init("tt_1", config);

# 6.2 Get the Device ID

You can call getDeviceId ()to get the device ID. Due to the operating environment, the device ID will be saved in the local cache. Once the user deletes the cache, the device ID will change, so the device ID cannot be guaranteed to be stable

var deviceId = ta.getDeviceId();

# 6.3 onCompelete Callback Function

Starting from v1.3.1, for track, userSet, userSetOnce, userAdd, userDel and other interfaces, onComplete callbacks are supported. You can directly pass onComplete after the original parameter list,

You can also use parameter objects. If you use parameter objects, the parameter objects must include onComplete, otherwise parameter errors will occur.

Take the above event as an example:

// Input callbacks as parameter lists
ta.track("test", { testkey: 123 }, new Date(), (res) => {

// Input callback as a parameter object
  eventName: "test", // Required
  properties: { testkey: 123 }, // optional
  time: new Date(), // optional
  onComplete: (res) => {
  }, // Required

The parameter res of onComplete is of type object, with two properties code and msg.

res.code type int, defined as follows:

  • 0: Success
  • -1: Incorrect data format
  • -2: APP ID is invalid
  • -3: Network or server level exception

The Debug mode is defined as follows:

  • 0: Success
  • -1: Parameter or permission verification problem
  • 1: Represents the basic error of the field, and will give detailed error fields and reasons
  • 2: Indicates the whole error
  • -3: Network or server level exception

res.msg is a written description of res.code.

# 6.4 Open Debug Mode

Starting from v1.6.0, the client side SDK supports Debug mode and needs to be used with TA platform versions after 2.5.

Debug mode may affect the quality of data collection and the stability of the app. It is only used for data verification during the integration phase and should not be used in online environments.

The current SDK instance supports three operating modes:

  • "None": Do not open Debug
  • "Debug": Open Debug mode and put it into storage
  • "DebugOnly": Open Debug mode, no storage

SDK initialization:

var config = {
  appid: "YOUR_APPID",
  server_url: "YOUR_SERVER_URL",
  debugMode: "debug",
var ta = new TA(config);

In order to prevent Debug mode from going live in the production environment, it is stipulated that only specified devices can turn on Debug mode. Debug mode can only be enabled on the client side, and the device ID is configured in the 'Debug Data' section of the 'Event tracking management' page in the background of the TA.

The device ID can be obtained in three ways:

  • #device_id attribute in event data in TA platform
  • Called through the instance interface: get device ID

# VII. Relevant Preset Attributes

# 7.1 Preset Properties for All Events

The following preset attributes are those that will be associated with all events in the widget/widget SDK, including auto-capture events

Attribute name
Chinese name
IP address
The user's IP address, which the TA will use to obtain the user's geographic location information
The country where the user is located, generated according to the IP address
Country code
The country code of the country where the user is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, that is, two uppercase English letters), generated based on the IP address
The user's province is generated according to the IP address
The user's city is generated according to the IP address
Equipment model
The model of the user equipment, such as iPhone 8, etc
Device ID
The user's device ID, which takes the UUID generated during initialization
Screen height
The screen height of the user equipment, such as 1920, etc
Screen width
The screen height of the user equipment, such as 1080, etc
Equipment manufacturer
Manufacturers of user equipment, such as Apple, vivo, etc
Operating system version
iOS 11.2.2、Android 8.0.0 等
Operating system
Such as Android, iOS, etc
Network status
Network status when uploading events, such as WIFI, 3G, 4G, etc
# lib
SDK type
The type of SDK you access, such as MP (Mini Program), MG (Mini Game), etc
SDK version
The version you access to the SDK
Scene value
The incoming scene value when the WeChat Mini Program starts
Mini Program Platform
Identify the platform where the application is located
Time zone offset
The number of hours the data time is offset from UTC time

# 7.2 Preset Properties for Automatic Acquisition Events

The following preset properties are unique to each AutoCollect event

  • Preset properties for Mini Program startup (ta_mp_show)
Attribute name
Chinese name
Page path
Mini Program Launch Path to Displayed Page
  • Mini Program Hide (ta_mp_hide) Preset Properties
Attribute name
Chinese name
Event duration
Indicates the duration of this startup
to hide
, in seconds
  • Preset properties for Mini Program page browsing (ta_mp_view)
Attribute name
Chinese name
Page path
Page path, that is, the path of the displayed page
Forward path
The path of the page before the displayed page, that is, the path before the jump, if it is the home page displayed when starting the Mini Program, the value is "Open directly."
  • Preset properties for Mini Program page forwarding sharing (ta_mp_share)
Attribute name
Chinese name
Page path
The path of the page where the Mini Program was forwarded

# 7.3 Get Prefabricated Attributes

When server level event tracking requires some preset properties on the App side, you can obtain the preset properties on the client side through this method and then pass them to the server level.

//Get Attribute Object
var presetProperties = ta.getPresetProperties();

//Generate event preset properties
var properties = presetProperties.toEventPresetProperties();
         "#device_model":"iPhone 5",

//Get a preset property
var os = presetProperties.os; //os type,as Android
var osVersion = presetProperties.osVersion; //System Version Number
var networkType = presetProperties.networkType; //Network Type
var manufacture = presetProperties.manufacture; //Device Manufacturer
var deviceModel = presetProperties.deviceModel; //Device Model
var screenWidth = presetProperties.screenWidth; //Screen width
var screenHeight = presetProperties.screenHeight; //Screen height
var deviceId = presetProperties.deviceId; //Device ID
var zoneOffset = presetProperties.zoneOffset; //Time zone offset value

IP, country city information is generated by server level parsing, and the client side does not provide an interface to obtain these attributes

# VIII. Advanced Functions

Starting from v1.7.0, the SDK supports the reporting of three special types of events: first-time events, updatable events, and rewritable events. These three events need to cooperate with TA system 2.8.

Since special events only apply in certain scenarios, please use special events to report data with the help of Count Tech's customer success and analysts.

# 8.1 First Incident

First-time events are events that are recorded only once for a device or another dimension ID. For example, in some scenarios, you may want to record the first event on a device, you can use first-time events to report data.

// Instance: Report device first event, assuming event name is DEVICE_ FIRST
  eventName: "DEVICE_FIRST",
  properties: { INT_PROPERTY: 0 },

If you want to determine whether it is the first time in a dimension other than the device, you can set FIRST_CHECK_ID for the first event. For example, if you need to record the first event of an account, you can set the account ID to the FIRST_CHECK_ID of the first event:

// Instance: First event to report a user account, assuming the event name is USER_ FIRST
// FIRST_Setting User ID to First Event CHECK_ ID
  eventName: "USER_FIRST",
  firstCheckId: "YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID",
  properties: { INT_PROPERTY: 0 },

Note: Due to the completion of the verification of whether it is the first time at the server level, the first event will be delayed by 1 hour by default.

# 8.2 Updatable Events

You can implement the need to modify event data in a specific scenario through updatable events. Updatable events need to specify an ID that identifies the event and pass it in when the updatable event object is created. The TA background will determine the data that needs to be updated based on the event name and event ID.

// Instance: Report an event that can be updated, assuming the event name is UPDATABLE_ EVENT
  eventName: "UPDATABLE_EVENT",
  properties: { status: 3, price: 100 },
  eventId: "test_event_id",
// Event attributes after reporting are status 3 and price 100

  eventName: "UPDATABLE_EVENT",
  properties: { status: 5 },
  eventId: "test_event_id",
// Event attributes status is updated to 5 after reporting, price remains unchanged

# 8.3 Rewritable Events

Rewritable events are similar to updatable events, except that rewritable events will completely cover historical data with the latest data, which is equivalent to deleting the previous data and storing the latest data in effect. The TA background will determine the data that needs to be updated based on the event name and event ID.

// Instance: Report an event that can be overridden, assuming the event name is OVERWRITE_ EVENT
  eventName: "OVERWRITE_EVENT",
  properties: { status: 3, price: 100 },
  eventId: "test_event_id",

// Event attributes after reporting are status 3 and price 100
  eventName: "OVERWRITE_EVENT",
  properties: { status: 5 },
  eventId: "test_event_id",

// Event attributes status is updated to 5 and price attributes are deleted after reporting

# Release Notes

v2.0.2 2021/12/31

  • Code optimization

v2.0.1 2021/11/15

  • Code optimization

v2.0.0 2021/09/15

  • Support pause/start, stop/resume data reporting
  • Support event blacklist
  • Code optimization

v1.8.2 2021/06/24

  • Support prefabricated attribute acquisition

v1.8.1 2021/03/08

  • Added Kuaishou Mini Program support

v1.8.0 2020/11/20

  • Added support for Bilibili games, Xiaomi games and H5 games
  • Improved game engine support: support ts project access
  • Perfect game engine support: support common small games, fast game platforms (Huawei, Xiaomi, OPPO, VIVO), H5 games
  • Optimization of other code details

v1.7.1 2020/08/27

  • Support Meizu platform

v1.7.0 2020/08/24

  • Supports first events, updatable events, rewritable events

v1.6.2 2020/07/23

  • Support DingTalk Mini Program
  • Fix Huawei fast game reporting anomaly

v1.6.1 2020/07/10

  • Support Huawei fast games

v1.6.0 2020/06/10

  • Support debug mode

v1.5.0 2020/02/10

  • Attribute values support Array types
  • Add userAppend interface
  • Remove local property value checking

v1.4.4 2019/12/24

  • Fix VIVO and OPPO platforms for the first time appHide without timing

v1.4.3 2019/12/20

  • Optimize OPPO fast game network requests

v1.4.2 2019/11/20

  • Support OPPO, VIVO fast games

v1.4.0 2019/10/22

  • Added userUnsetinterface to clear a user feature
  • Added preset property #zone_offsetin hours. By default, the offset of the local time zone is reported to the server level, which is affected by daylight saving time. The following formula is satisfied:
utc_time + #zone_offset = #event_time

v1.3.2 2019/09/29

  • Fix compatibility issues of some platforms introduced in v1.3.1

v1.3.1 2019/09/27

  • Track, userSet, userSetOnce, userAdd, userDel interface add callback function

v1.3.0 2019/08/15

  • Code optimization
    • #network_typeProperties are updated according to network status
    • Data transmission content: user feature data does not transmit preset attributes, simplifying the transmission content
    • Optimize log printing
  • New interface
    • getAccountId()
    • getDistinctId()
    • timeEvent()
    • initInstance()
    • identify() as authorizeOpenID()
    • getDeviceId()
    • getSuperProperties()
    • unsetSuperProperty()
    • setDynamicSuperProperties()
  • Multiple instances
    • You can create a new instance by calling initInstance (name, config).
    • The child instance uses the configuration of the parent instance by default, and local caching is not enabled by default
  • Configuration information
    • EnablePersistenceThe parent instance defaults to true and the child instance defaults to false
    • AsyncPersistenceAsynchronous Read Cache
    • MaxRetriesThe number of retries when the request fails or timeouts, the default is 3
    • SendTimeouttimeout in milliseconds
    • Whether enableLogturns on log printing
  • Cross-platform
    • Support mainstream Mini Program small game platform: WeChat, Baidu, Alipay, ByteDance, fast application
    • Add preset attribute #mp_platformto identify the platform where the application is located
    • #Libis MP/MG, representing Mini Program and Mini Games respectively