
# How to Integrate Exchange Rate Data Sources

Conversion between currencies requires reliable exchange rates which are updated in a timely manner. Our system has pre-set exchange rate data sources, and users can click to enable or disable the pre-set data source integration in the 「Currency Data Source」 and 「Start to Integrate」pop-ups on the exchange rate conversion page. This feature is disabled by default.

# How to update preset exchange rate data

  1. If this feature is enabled, the exchange rate reference data will be updated every day from 00:00 UTC.
  2. If the update fails, the system will use yesterday's reference rate temporarily and retry the update until it succeeds.
  3. If the update fails, you can click Retry on the page to update manually.

# How to disable pre-set exchange rate data

  1. When you disable pre-set exchange rate data, all currency conversion rules that have been added will be disabled, and the resulting converted currency amount properties will be hidden.
  2. Reports, tags and cohorts, etc. that have used these converted currency amount properties will not be usable after the disabling.