
# Role Settings

A role involves operating permissions for a series of features, which controls TE feature modules that can be used by the member. A user can only owns one role in a project.

# Preset and custom roles

TE provides 5 present roles, namely, the Root, Project Owner, Project Admin, Analyst and regular members. It also supports customizing the 3 preset roles except Root and Project Owner. A maximum of 30 custom roles can be made for each project. There are 4 types of permissions for each feature, namely, Must (●), Can by default (▲), Can not by default (△), and Must not (○).

Root/ Project Owner
Project Admin
View implementation information.

Edit implementation settings.

Project analysis configuration
Function use
View and edit the entities used in the project.

View and edit the project time zone.

View and edit the annotations.

Project Permission Management
View project members and permissions.

Edit project members and permissions.

Asset Box Management
Function use
Pack assets or upload to unpack assets in this project.

User cohort management
View all cohorts.

Add, edit, delete self-built behavioral cohorts.

Add, edit, delete self-built behavior cohorts.

Add, edit, delete self-built result cohorts.

Add, edit, delete self-built ID cohorts.

Add, edit, delete self-built SQL cohorts.

Edit and delete other members' cohorts.

User tag management
View all tags.

Add, edit, delete self-built non SQL tags.

Add, edit, and delete self-built SQL tags.

Edit and delete other members' tags.

Metadata management
View events, event properties, user feature lists, data tables.

Export dimension tables, download datasets, and download history versions of data tables.

Edit the display name of the event, event properties, and user properties.

Edit custom events, dimension tables, custom properties, create data tables, edit data tables, restore historical versions of data tables.

Data Integration Service
View data collection information.

View access parameters.

View third party integration settings.

View third-party data address.

Edit third party integration settings.

Event tracking management
View tracking plan, and data validation.

View event count, real-time data, and debugger.

Edit data validation settings and real-time data settings.

Edit Debugger settings.

Add, edit, and empty the tracking plan, download the tracking plan, download project metadata; use data validation.

Custom Alerts
View all alert tasks.

Add, edit and delete self-built alert tasks.

Edit and delete other members' alert tasks.

Function use
Use all analytic models, save reports, and manage reports.

Drill down to view user lists.

View behavior sequence of a user.

Download and export report data.

Copy SQL and API statements.

Custom query with SQL IDE.

View dashboards and dashboard settings, enter presentation mode.

Use global filters and page filters to view dashboards.

Export dashboard PDF.

View all dashboards and reports in the project.

Create dashboards, folders, and change dashboard settings.

Edit dashboard Sharing and Collaboration.

Send dashboard digest through email and webhook.

Create spaces, set space members and permissions.

Import and export dashboards settings, copy dashboards.

Explore Modules
Function use
Use ''Explore'' to view reports.

Template Gallery
View templates.

Add, edit, share, delete self-built templates.

Metric Management
View all product metrics.

Create, edit and delete self-built product metrics.

Edit and delete product metrics created by others.

Currency exchange
View currency exchange settings.

Edit currency exchange settings.

Other features used
Function use
Use 'User Search.'

Members: On the basis of defaulted permissions of regular members, roles can be granted permissions like using analysis models and creating/editing dashboards;

Analyst: On the basis of defaulted permissions of analysts, permissions of advanced features like creating cohorts/tags, using alert and data tracking management, as well as management issues like configuring user entities and annotating dates can be granted to roles.

Project Admin: On the basis of defaulted permissions of project admins, permissions like managing assets created by others such as cohorts, tags and metrics can be granted to roles.

# Deleting custom roles

After deleting a custom role in the current project, the project member originally having the role will become relevant preset roles. For example, after deleting the "senior analyst" role created based on "analyst", the role of the member originally having the "senior analyst" role will become "analyst".

# System custom roles

If a same custom role needs to be used in multiple projects, the Root can set a system custom role commonly used by all projects at [System Management - Role Management] to reduce repeated operations. After that, the role can be used in any project.
