
# Metadata Management Tools

# I. Introduction

Metadata management tools are mainly used to modify and delete event attributes and user attributes in TA system. We recommend that attributes be modified and deleted only when type import errors and data exceptions are determined, because the ETL flow of data will be suspended while operation occurs. It is not recommended to modify as frequent operation attributes. Please use this function carefully.

# II. Instructions for Use

The metadata management tool only supports users of self-hosting services. root logs into any server of the self-hosting cluster and executes su - ta

Then execute the ta-tool modify_metato enter the source data management tool interface.

# 2.1 Fill in the appid for the item to be processed

The appid of the project can be queried in the project management page in the TA background.

# 2.2 Confirm project name

After entering, the project name of the project that needs to be modified will be prompted, enter 'y' to confirm, and enter 'n' to cancel the operation.

# 2.3 Select the metadata operation type

Next, add the type of function that needs to be performed. This step supports cyclic addition of actions to be modified or deleted.

It is recommended that the modification or deletion operations be completed in this step.

# 2.4 Operation under the condition of modifying the event attribute type

  • Take modifying the event attribute prop1 from type number to string as an example:
  • Operation type selection: 1
  • Event attribute name input: prop1
  • Modify type input: string

# 2.5 Operation in case of modifying user feature type

  • Take modifying the user feature user_prop1 from type number to string as an example:
  • Operation type selection: 2
  • User feature name input: user_prop1
  • Modify type input: string

# 2.6 Operation under the condition of deleting event attributes

  • Take deleting event attributes prop2, prop3 as an example:
  • Operation type selection: 3
  • Event attribute name input: prop2, prop3

# 2.7 Delete user features

  • Take deleting user feature user_prop2, user_prop3 as an example:
  • Operation type selection: 4
  • User feature name input: user_prop2, user_prop3

# 2.8 Modify and delete operations added completed

  • Input: 5

# 2.9 Confirm operation

  • After the input is completed, it will be prompted, enter "y" to confirm, and enter "n" to cancel the operation

# 2.11 Final results show

# III. Precautions

# 1. In the process of performing modification and deletion, try to avoid session break, or ctrl c to interrupt the operation.

# 2. Modifying and deleting attributes will stop ETL flow and avoid frequent operations affecting the real-time inflow of data.