
# Open API

The content described in this document belongs to the advanced use functions of TA, involving more technical details, and is suitable for users with experience in related functions. If you have doubts about the content of the doc, please consult your data consultant for one-on-one assistance.

In addition to the powerful UI analysis interface, TA also provides a complete API.

# Call Method

# Generate Query Key

If you need to use the Open API, you first need to generate a project key. There are two types of project keys, and the command to generate the key needs to be executed in ta-tool

Log in to any TA server, execute the su-ta command, switch to the ta user, and execute ta-tool

Generate Root Key

ta-tool generate_root_secret
  • This key can be applied to all projects

Generate Keys for a Single Project

ta-tool generate_api_secret -appid TEST-APPID
  • The parameter passed in is the corresponding project APPID, and the key can only be applied to this project

Note: When repeated execution generates the same project or root key, a new key will be generated, and the previous key will be invalidated**.**

# API Call Rules

The API submits the call request using the HTTP GET or POST method, and the URL of the call is:


Where $HOST is the self-hosting cluster address, usually ta2. $API_PATH represents a specific API path, such as open/event-analyze. $API_SECRET is the key.

The API submits the call request with the GET method or POST method. The POST request message body is in JSON format, please refer to the relevant doc for specific parameter configuration.

The response message body is in JSON format, and the basic structure is as follows.

  "return_code": 0,
  "return_message": "success",
  "data": {...},
  "stackMessage": "",
  "showStackMessage": false
Return code, 0 indicates success, others indicate failure (see the table below for details)
Return message
Call result data
Exception stack on failure
TA product front-end use (OpenAPI calls can ignore this field), indicating whether the copy button of the exception stack should be displayed

return_code return code details

Return code
Return code description
Successful execution
Execution failed
Not logged in
Login failed
Logout failed
Your account has been locked, please contact the administrator to solve
Incorrect username or password, please confirm and log in again
There seems to be some problems with the system, please try again later or contact us
The request frequency is too fast, please try again later
You do not have permission to operate
SSO login failed
Parameter error
User name does not exist
Illegal operation
The data is not yet ready
No data for current query
Data is being prepared
Invalid access
Already exists
Wrong phone number
Some members are already in this project
Request cancelled
Target object no longer exists
Incomplete or invalid custom event expression
Exceeding the number of objects that can be created
Invalid user
For unregistered users, the settings will take effect after registration is activated
Registered user, the next login setting takes effect after activation
The user is already in the project
The operator's authority cannot be lower than the operator's authority
Parameter missing, please contact administrator
You do not have the operation permission
The data has been updated
License authentication failed
License verification failed, please contact TA customer service personnel to solve
Invalid item
MFA verification failed, error or expired MFA verification code
The current enterprise has started mandatory MFA virtual device login verification, please bind
The current user has bound the MFA virtual device and cannot repeat the binding
The current user has opened the MFA virtual device login verification, missing the MFA verification code
Operation not supported