
# User Search

User search is set in the navigation bar, which is convenient for users to search for matching users according to specified conditions on any page

Can be accessed from "User Search" ICON in the navigation bar

Company Supervisor
Ordinary members
Enter user search

View user list

Permission description:

● Role must have

▲ The role has the permission by default, but can revoke

△ The role is not available by default, but can be authorized

○ Role must not have

# III. Overview of User Search Page

# 4.1 Several Common Analysis Scenarios

# 4.2 Search Filter Window

# 4.2.1 Window Structure

The initial filter window consists of the attributes drop-down box on the left and the corresponding filter criteria on the right. After the search, the search results are rendered and the detailed list is viewed.

# 4.2.2 Search Rules

  • Optional Range of Attribute Drop-down Boxes

The attribute dropdown menu can query 'account ID', 'visitor ID' and all user features.

  • Logic Checkboxes for Different Data Types
Data type
Logical marquee content
Equal to, not equal to, include, not include, regular match, regular mismatch
Account ID, Visitor ID
Equal to, not equal to, include, not include, regular match, regular mismatch
Equal to, not equal to, greater than, less than, interval
Time Type Marquee
Radio dropdown menu directly for the whole
  • Interaction of Time-based Data

Time-based data, static 'past 30 days' is selected by default, which can be adjusted through the control.

  • Search Range and Query Matching
  1. Search all 'user features' and 'account ID' and 'visitor ID' sections

  2. When filtering, you can only search for exactly matched results

  3. String fuzzy query can be searched by 'include'. If the province search contains 'Jiang', you can get results with 'Jiang' in all province results.

# 4.2.3 Search Results Section

  1. Up to 10 pieces of user information are displayed on the page, showing the results and user ID information

  2. You can click 'View User List' to view the complete user list information

  3. You can enter the user behavior sequence of the user through the ID. At this time, the left and right flip user button is still valid (for the full user list)

  4. User ID If you are displaying an anonymous ID, add an icon before the anonymous ID

# 4.3 User List Page

By 'View User List', you can enter the user list page

# 4.3.1 Download Data, Attribute Filter, User List Tables

Attribute filter, user list table part is the same as in the user list, you can filter the attributes of interest.

When downloading data, complete user data can be downloaded, with a maximum download limit of 1 million.

# 4.3.2 View the Sequence of User Behaviors of a Single User

Click on a specific user to enter the user's specific sequence of behaviors. In order to facilitate statistical user behavior and track the user's specific behavior track.

# V. Best Applications

# 5.1 View Detailed Data to Identify Users

The most common use of a user search is to find a user by ID (including the user's device ID, account ID, cell phone number, etc.) and then enter the user's behavior sequence to locate the detailed data. These operations can be used for data anomaly location, order data validation, and test data validation.