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# インターバル分析モデルAPI

# Interval Analysis Model API

As for the call method, please refer to the call method description in Open API

You can read the interval analysis in the user manual to understand the usage scenario.

# Interval Analysis Query

Interface URL


Request method




Request Query parameter

Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Is required Parameter description
token xxx String Yes token

# Request Body Parameter

  "eventView": {
    "endTime": "2021-10-05 23:59:59",
    "filts": [
        "columnDesc": "brand",
        "columnName": "brand",
        "comparator": "equal",
        "filterType": "SIMPLE",
        "ftv": [
        "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-01-24",
        "tableType": "event",
        "timeUnit": ""
    "groupBy": [
        "columnDesc": "brand",
        "columnName": "brand",
        "propertyRange": "",
        "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-01-24",
        "tableType": "event"
    "recentDay": "114-115",
    "relation": "and",
    "startTime": "2021-10-04 00:00:00",
    "taIdMeasureVo": {
      "columnDesc": "user only ID",
      "columnName": "#user_id",
      "tableType": "event"
    "timeParticleSize": "day",
    "windowsGapUnit": "hour",
    "windowsGapValue": 1
  "events": [
      "eventName": "activity_attend",
      "eventNameDisplay": "",
      "filts": [
      "relation": "and",
      "relationProp": {
        "property": {
          "columnDesc": "brand",
          "columnName": "brand",
          "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-01-24",
          "tableType": "event"
      "type": "first"
      "eventName": "payment",
      "eventNameDisplay": "",
      "filts": [
      "relation": "and",
      "relationProp": {
        "property": {
          "columnDesc": "brand",
          "columnName": "brand",
          "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-01-24",
          "tableType": "event"
        "relationOperatorValue": 0,
        "relationPropNumberOperator": "r_eq"
      "type": "second"
  "projectId": 377,
  "limit": 10,
  "timeoutSeconds": 10,
  "useCache": true

# Request Parameter Description

$$Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Is required Parameter description
eventView - Object Yes Metrics common attribute part
eventView.endTime 2021-10-05 23:59:59 String No End time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the relative time is empty
eventView.filts - List No Global filters parts
eventView.filts.columnDesc Brand String No Field display name
eventView.filts.columnName brand String Yes Field name
eventView.filts.comparator equal String Yes Reference: filtering expression of model query API
eventView.filts.filterType SIMPLE String No Filter mode, SIMPLE: simple, COMPOUND: composite
eventView.filts.ftv ["Apple"] List No Property comparative with bound literial
eventView.filts.specifiedClusterDate 2022-01-24 String No Historical tag version of specified date
eventView.filts.tableType event String Yes Table type enumeration
eventView.filts.timeUnit String No Property filter unit, only valid to relativeEvent*:day,hour,minute
eventView.groupBy - List No Group attributes, can have zero or more
eventView.groupBy.columnDesc Brand String No Field display name
eventView.groupBy.columnName brand String Yes Field name
eventView.groupBy.propertyRange String No Self-defined property interval
eventView.groupBy.specifiedClusterDate 2022-01-24 String No Historical tag version of specified date
eventView.groupBy.tableType event String Yes Table type enumeration
eventView.recentDay 114-115 String No Relative time (this item cannot be empty at the same time as the start time and the end time)
eventView.relation and String No Logical relationship, and: logical and, or: logical or
eventView.startTime 2021-10-04 00:00:00 String No Start time (format: yyyy-MM-dd HH: mm: ss), valid when the relative time is empty
eventView.taIdMeasureVo - Object No Query ID system configuration
eventView.taIdMeasureVo.columnDesc User unique ID String No Field display name
eventView.taIdMeasureVo.columnName #user_id String Yes Field name
eventView.taIdMeasureVo.tableType event String Yes Table type enumeration
eventView.timeParticleSize day String Yes Unit of the time period taken for analysis
  • day: based on days

  • week: based on weeks

  • month: based on months

  • total: total

eventView.firstDayOfWeek Integer No When timeParticleSize is week, specify the first day of the week, 1: Monday, 2: Tuesday,.., 7: Sunday, minimum 1, maximum 7
eventView.windowsGapUnit hour String No Window duration unit
eventView.windowsGapValue 1 Integer No Window duration
events - List Yes Event metric list
events.eventName activity_attend String Yes The eventName the metric based on, "anyEvent" can be used to represent any event
events.eventNameDisplay String No Self-defined metric display name
events.filts - List No List of conditions
events.relation and String No Logical relationship, and: logical and, or: logical or
events.relationProp - Object No Associated properties - Object No Associated properties Brand String No Field display name brand String Yes Field name 2022-01-24 String No Historical tag version of specified date event String No Table type enumeration
events.relationProp.relationOperatorValue 0 Integer No Relational operation value
events.relationProp.relationPropNumberOperator r_eq String No Relational operator,
  • r_eq: equal

  • r_high:高

  • r_low:低

events.type first String Yes Event type, first: initial event, second: return event
projectId 377 Integer Yes Project enumeric identity
limit 10 Integer No Maximum number of groups per analysis object, optional parameters, default is 1000, maximum is 10000
timeoutSeconds 10 Integer No Request timed out parameter, timeout cancels query task
useCache true Boolean No Use cache, optional parameter, default is true

# Successful Response Example

  "data": {
    "distributionInterval": [
    "groupCols": [
    "intervalData": {
      "dateEntities": [
          "dateString": "2021-10-04",
          "groupEntities": [
              "groups": [
              "intervalAggValue": {
                "avgValue": 40,
                "eventNum": 6646,
                "maxValue": 354,
                "midValue": 28,
                "minValue": 2,
                "quarterValue": 16,
                "threeQuarterValue": 49,
                "userNum": 838
              "intervalDistributions": [
                  "distribution": "300,600",
                  "intervalDistributionValue": {
                    "eventNum": 5,
                    "userNum": 5
                  "distribution": ",300",
                  "intervalDistributionValue": {
                    "eventNum": 6641,
                    "userNum": 838
              "groups": [
              "intervalAggValue": {
                "avgValue": 39,
                "eventNum": 5439,
                "maxValue": 313,
                "midValue": 28,
                "minValue": 2,
                "quarterValue": 15,
                "threeQuarterValue": 50,
                "userNum": 683
              "intervalDistributions": [
                  "distribution": "300,600",
                  "intervalDistributionValue": {
                    "eventNum": 2,
                    "userNum": 2
                  "distribution": ",300",
                  "intervalDistributionValue": {
                    "eventNum": 5437,
                    "userNum": 683
          "intervalAggValue": {
            "avgValue": 39,
            "eventNum": 12085,
            "maxValue": 354,
            "midValue": 28,
            "minValue": 2,
            "quarterValue": 16,
            "threeQuarterValue": 49,
            "userNum": 1520
          "intervalDistributions": [
              "distribution": "300,600",
              "intervalDistributionValue": {
                "eventNum": 7,
                "userNum": 7
              "distribution": ",300",
              "intervalDistributionValue": {
                "eventNum": 12078,
                "userNum": 1520
          "dateString": "2021-10-05",
          "groupEntities": [
              "groups": [
              "intervalAggValue": {
                "avgValue": 39,
                "eventNum": 5700,
                "maxValue": 303,
                "midValue": 28,
                "minValue": 2,
                "quarterValue": 16,
                "threeQuarterValue": 49,
                "userNum": 710
              "intervalDistributions": [
                  "distribution": "300,600",
                  "intervalDistributionValue": {
                    "eventNum": 1,
                    "userNum": 1
                  "distribution": ",300",
                  "intervalDistributionValue": {
                    "eventNum": 5699,
                    "userNum": 710
              "groups": [
              "intervalAggValue": {
                "avgValue": 40,
                "eventNum": 4779,
                "maxValue": 374,
                "midValue": 28,
                "minValue": 2,
                "quarterValue": 15,
                "threeQuarterValue": 51,
                "userNum": 603
              "intervalDistributions": [
                  "distribution": "300,600",
                  "intervalDistributionValue": {
                    "eventNum": 3,
                    "userNum": 3
                  "distribution": ",300",
                  "intervalDistributionValue": {
                    "eventNum": 4776,
                    "userNum": 603
          "intervalAggValue": {
            "avgValue": 39,
            "eventNum": 10479,
            "maxValue": 374,
            "midValue": 28,
            "minValue": 2,
            "quarterValue": 16,
            "threeQuarterValue": 50,
            "userNum": 1313
          "intervalDistributions": [
              "distribution": "300,600",
              "intervalDistributionValue": {
                "eventNum": 4,
                "userNum": 4
              "distribution": ",300",
              "intervalDistributionValue": {
                "eventNum": 10475,
                "userNum": 1313
      "groupEntities": [
          "groups": [
          "intervalAggValue": {
            "avgValue": 39,
            "eventNum": 12346,
            "maxValue": 354,
            "midValue": 28,
            "minValue": 2,
            "quarterValue": 16,
            "threeQuarterValue": 49,
            "userNum": 1542
          "intervalDistributions": [
              "distribution": "300,600",
              "intervalDistributionValue": {
                "eventNum": 6,
                "userNum": 6
              "distribution": ",300",
              "intervalDistributionValue": {
                "eventNum": 12340,
                "userNum": 1542
          "groups": [
          "intervalAggValue": {
            "avgValue": 39,
            "eventNum": 10218,
            "maxValue": 374,
            "midValue": 28,
            "minValue": 2,
            "quarterValue": 15,
            "threeQuarterValue": 50,
            "userNum": 1282
          "intervalDistributions": [
              "distribution": "300,600",
              "intervalDistributionValue": {
                "eventNum": 5,
                "userNum": 5
              "distribution": ",300",
              "intervalDistributionValue": {
                "eventNum": 10213,
                "userNum": 1282
      "intervalAggValue": {
        "avgValue": 39,
        "eventNum": 22564,
        "maxValue": 374,
        "midValue": 28,
        "minValue": 2,
        "quarterValue": 16,
        "threeQuarterValue": 49,
        "userNum": 2817
      "intervalDistributions": [
          "distribution": "300,600",
          "intervalDistributionValue": {
            "eventNum": 11,
            "userNum": 11
          "distribution": ",300",
          "intervalDistributionValue": {
            "eventNum": 22553,
            "userNum": 2817
    "intervalType": "def",
    "timeArray": [
  "return_code": 0,
  "return_message": "success"

# Response Parameter Description

$$Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Parameter description
return_code 0 Integer Return code
return_message success String Return information
data - Object Return result
data.distributionInterval [",300","300,"] List Distribution interval
data.groupCols [["Apple"], ["Huawei"]] List Group
data.intervalData - Object Date data
data.intervalData.dateEntities - List Date List
data.intervalData.dateEntities.dateString 2021-10-04 String Date
data.intervalData.groupEntities - List Group List
data.intervalData.groupEntities.groups ["Apple"] List Group value list
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue - Object Aggregate value
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue.avgValue 39 Long Average
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue.eventNum 22564 Long Number of events
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue.maxValue 374 Long Maximum
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue.midValue 28 Long Median
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue.minValue 2 Long Minimum
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue.quarterValue 16 Long Upper quartile
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue.threeQuarterValue 49 Long Lower quartile
data.intervalData.intervalAggValue.userNum 2817 Long Number of users
data.intervalData.intervalDistributions - List List of distribution intervals
data.intervalData.intervalDistributions.distribution 300,600 String Distribution interval
data.intervalData.intervalDistributions.intervalDistributionValue - Object Distribution interval value
data.intervalData.intervalDistributions.intervalDistributionValue.eventNum 11 Long Number of events
data.intervalData.intervalDistributions.intervalDistributionValue.userNum 11 Long Number of users
data.intervalType def String Type
  • Discrete number

  • Def: default interval

  • user_defined: User-defined

data.timeArray ["2021-10-04"] List Event list

Error Response Example

    "return_code": -1008,
    "return_message": "The parameter (token) is empty"
Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Parameter description
return_code -1008 Integer Return code
return_message The parameter (token) is empty String Return information

# Interval Analysis Full Data Download

Interface URL


Request method




Request Query Parameter

Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Mandatory or not Parameter description
token xxx String Yes Query key

# Request Body parameter

        "eventView": {
                "endTime": "2022-03-07 17:17:04",
                "filts": [],
                "groupBy": [],
                "recentDay": "1-7",
                "relation": "and",
                "startTime": "2022-03-01 17:17:04",
                "taIdMeasureVo": {
                        "columnDesc": "User ID",
                        "columnName": "#user_id",
                        "tableType": "event"
                "timeParticleSize": "day",
                "windowsGapUnit": "hour",
                "windowsGapValue": 1
        "events": [{
                "eventName": "Login",
                "eventNameDisplay": "",
                "filts": [],
                "relation": "and",
                "type": "first"
        }, {
                "eventName": "Recharge",
                "eventNameDisplay": "",
                "filts": [],
                "relation": "and",
                "type": "second"
        "projectId": 319,
        "format": "AGG_TABLE"

# Request Parameter Description

$$参数名 示例值 参数类型 是否必填 参数描述
eventView - Object Yes Same parameters as Distribution Analysis Query interface
events - List Yes Same parameters as Distribution Analysis Query interface
projectId 377 Integer Yes Project numeric identity
format AGG_TABLE String Yes AGG_TABLE : conversion, DISTRIBUTION_TABLE: conversion distribution
interval [1] array No Full Metric Interval Range

# Response

Same with the full data download of the interval analysis of the TE system

# Interval Analysis User List

Interface URL


Request method




Request Query Parameter

Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Is required Parameter description
token xxx String Yes token

# Request Body Parameter

  "eventView": {
    "endTime": "2021-10-05 23:59:59",
    "filts": [
        "columnDesc": "brand",
        "columnName": "brand",
        "comparator": "equal",
        "filterType": "SIMPLE",
        "ftv": [
        "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-01-24",
        "tableType": "event",
        "timeUnit": ""
    "groupBy": [
        "columnDesc": "brand",
        "columnName": "brand",
        "propertyRange": "",
        "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-01-24",
        "tableType": "event"
    "recentDay": "114-115",
    "relation": "and",
    "startTime": "2021-10-04 00:00:00",
    "taIdMeasureVo": {
      "columnDesc": "user only ID"
      "columnName": "#user_id",
      "tableType": "event"
    "timeParticleSize": "day",
    "windowsGapUnit": "hour",
    "windowsGapValue": 1
  "events": [
      "eventName": "activity_attend",
      "eventNameDisplay": "",
      "filts": [
      "relation": "and",
      "relationProp": {
        "property": {
          "columnDesc": "brand",
          "columnName": "brand",
          "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-01-24",
          "tableType": "event"
      "type": "first"
      "eventName": "payment",
      "eventNameDisplay": "",
      "filts": [
      "relation": "and",
      "relationProp": {
        "property": {
          "columnDesc": "brand",
          "columnName": "brand",
          "specifiedClusterDate": "2022-01-24",
          "tableType": "event"
        "relationOperatorValue": 0,
        "relationPropNumberOperator": "r_eq"
      "type": "second"
  "projectId": 377,
  "timeoutSeconds": 10,
  "interval": "2,3",
  "sliceDate": "",
  "sliceGroupVal": ["Apple", "Huawei"]

# Request Parameter Description

$$Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Is required Parameter description
eventView - Object Yes Same parameters as Interval Analysis Query interface
events - List Yes Same parameters as Interval Analysis Query interface
projectId 377 Integer Yes Project enumric identity
interval 2,3 String No Go to detail by which metric interval
sliceDate String No Go to detail by which date
sliceGroupVal ["Apple", "Huawei"] List No Go to detail by which group
timeoutSeconds 10 Integer No Request timed out parameter, timeout cancels query task

# Successful Response Example

  "data": {
    "columMeta": {
      "country": "country",
      "education": "education",
      "birthdate": "birthdate",
      "gender": "gender",
      "last_login_time": "last_login_time",
      "city": "city",
      "nation": "nation",
      "channel": "channel",
      "weight": "weight(KG)",
      "#distinct_id": "visitor ID",
      "firstcharge": "firstcharge",
      "register_time": "register_time",
      "#account_id": "account ID",
      "companynature": "companynature",
      "accountbalance": "accountbalance",
      "maritalstatus": "maritalstatus",
      "interest": "interest",
      "name": "name",
      "accountpoint": "accountpoint",
      "rank": "rank",
      "first_login_time": "first_login_time",
      "email": "email",
      "height": "height(CM)"
    "datalist": [
        "country": "China",
        "birthdate": "2013-05-21",
        "education": "college"
        "last_login_time": "2021-12-04 02:18:46.111",
        "gender": "male",
        "city": "Shanghai",
        "nation": "Han",
        "#user_id": 795692987887919100,
        "channel": "Wechat",
        "weight": "125",
        "#distinct_id": "5694fdd8-e1dc-4459-97dd-33b10df01400",
        "firstcharge": false,
        "register_time": "2021-10-06 00:00:23.000",
        "#account_id": "b406f8a7-424d-4909-a08a-7b00191b7493",
        "companynature": "state-own company",
        "accountbalance": "42606",
        "maritalstatus": "single",
        "interest": [
        "accountpoint": "81910",
        "name": "UaLEhzdn",
        "rank": "gold",
        "first_login_time": "2021-10-06 00:01:56.000",
        "email": "",
        "height": "174"
        "country": "China",
        "birthdate": "1964-12-26",
        "education": "college",
        "last_login_time": "2021-10-05 00:02:35.000",
        "gender": "male",
        "city": "Shanghai",
        "nation": "Han",
        "#user_id": 795692395992715300,
        "channel": "offcial site",
        "weight": "197",
        "#distinct_id": "5caf9f1a-3253-4279-9723-49c950a48020",
        "firstcharge": true,
        "register_time": "2021-10-05 00:00:30.000",
        "#account_id": "cb6ab625-f45d-4977-bbae-973ead82acba",
        "companynature": "Foreign enterprise",
        "accountbalance": "49013",
        "maritalstatus": "single",
        "interest": [
    "totalNum": 2
  "return_code": 0,
  "return_message": "success"

# Response Parameter Description

$$Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Parameter description
return_code 0 Integer Return code
return_message success String Return information
data - Object Return result
data.datalist - List User Information
data.columMeta - Map Field meaning mapping
data.totalNum 2 Integer Total

Error Response Example

    "return_code": -1008,
    "return_message": "The parameter (token) is empty"
Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Parameter description
return_code -1008 Integer Return code
return_message The parameter (token) is empty String Return information

# Download of Interval Analysis User List

Interface URL


Request method




Request Query parameters

Parameter name Sample value Parameter type Mandatory or not Parameter description
token xxx String Yes Query key

# Request Body Parameters

        "eventView": {
                "endTime": "2022-03-07 17:17:04",
                "filts": [],
                "groupBy": [],
                "recentDay": "1-7",
                "relation": "and",
                "startTime": "2022-03-01 17:17:04",
                "taIdMeasureVo": {
                        "columnDesc": "User ID",
                        "columnName": "#user_id",
                        "tableType": "event"
                "timeParticleSize": "day",
                "windowsGapUnit": "hour",
                "windowsGapValue": 1
        "events": [{
                "eventName": "Login",
                "eventNameDisplay": "",
                "filts": [],
                "relation": "and",
                "type": "first"
        }, {
                "eventName": "Recharge",
                "eventNameDisplay": "",
                "filts": [],
                "relation": "and",
                "type": "second"
        "projectId": 319,
        "sliceGroupVal": null,
        "sliceDate": "2022-03-01",
        "selectedColumns": ["#account_id", "#distinct_id", "accountid"]

# Request Parameter Description

$$参数名 示例值 参数类型 是否必填 参数描述
eventView - Object Same parameters as Interval Analysis Query interface
events - List Same parameters as Interval Analysis Query interface
projectId 377 Integer Project enumric identity
interval 2,3 String Go to detail by which metric interval
sliceDate 2021-10-21 String Go to detail by which date
sliceGroupVal ["Apple", "Huawei"] List Go to detail by which group
selectedColumns ["#account_id"] array The columns to be downloaded

# Response

Same with the download of the interval analysis user list of the TE system.