
# Metadata Management Tool

# I. Introduction

The metadata management tool is mainly used to modify and delete event property and user property in TA system. We recommend that this tool be used only when type import errors and data exceptions are determined, because the ETL flow of data will be suspended during metadata adjustment. Frequent operations are not recommended.

# II. Instructions for Use

The metadata management tool is only available to the users of privatized services. root logs into any server of the privatized cluster and execute su - ta

Then execute ta-tool modify_meta to enter the metadata management tool interface.

# 2.1 Fill in the appid for the item to be processed

First, you need to enter the appid of the project to be modified. You can enter the "Project Management" page of the TA system and view the appid of the project.

# 2.2 Confirm project name

After entering, the project name of the project that needs to be modified will be prompted, enter 'y' to confirm, and enter 'n' to cancel the operation.

# 2.3 Select the metadata operation type

Next, you can start to add the type of operation that needs to be performed. Here, you can add operations in a loop. After configuring an operation setting, you can add another operation until you select "Addition completed". It is recommended that the modification or deletion operations be completed at one time.

# 2.4 Modify event property type

# 2.4.1 Modify general event property

  • Example: Modify the event property argNum and change its type from number to string:
    • Operation type selection: 1
    • Event property name input: argNum
    • Modify type input: string

# 2.4.2 Modify child properties of object and object group key


In the metadata management tool, you can use the expression "object. key" to point to the key of the object (group) when modifying/deleting

  • Example: modify the key channel_id of the object (group) property argrow, and change its type from number to string:
    • Operation type selection: 1
    • Event property name input: argrow.channel_id
    • Modify type input: string

# 2.5 Modify user property type

# 2.5.1 Modify general user property

  • Example: Modify the user property user_argNum and change its type from number to string
    • Operation type selection: 2
    • User property name input: user_argNum
    • Modify type input: string

# 2.5.2 Modify child properties of object and object group

  • Example: modify the key channel_id of the object (group) property user_argrow, and change its type from number to string:
    • Operation type selection: 2
    • Event property name input: user_argrow.channel_id
    • Modify type input: string

# 2.6 Delete event property

  • Example: delete the general event property argbool and the key level of the object (group) property argrow:
    • Operation type selection: 3
    • Event property name input: argbool, argrow.level

# 2.7 Operation in the case of deleting user property

  • Example: delete the general user property user_argbool and the key level of the object (group) property user_argrow:
    • Operation type selection: 4
    • User property name input: user_argbool, user_argrow.level

# 2.8 Modify and delete operations addition completed

  • After completing all configurations, enter "5" to confirm

# 2.9 Confirm operation

  • Make final confirmation before execution, enter 'y' to confirm, and enter 'n' to cancel the operation.

After the confirmation is completed, the management tool will first suspend the data ETL service of the TA system. After that, all the operations in this setting will be executed, and the data ETL service will be restarted after all operations are completed. The data reported during this period will be stored in the database later but will not be lost.

# 2.11 Final results display

# 2.12 Impact on data

# 2.12.1 General property

When modifying a general property, the previously imported data of this property will be set to null.

# 2.12.2 Object

When modifying an object, the previously imported data of this object will be set to null, including all key values of this object.

# 2.12.3 key

When modifying a key, the previously imported data of this key will be set to null after the modification, and other child properties under the same object will not be affected.

# III. Precautions

  1. In the process of performing modification and deletion, try to avoid breaking sessions or using Ctrl + C to interrupt operations.
  2. Modifying and deleting property will stop ETL flow and avoid frequent operations affecting the real-time inflow of data.
  3. Child properties are not allowed to be modified as complex structure types.