
# Delete Custom Table Function

# I. Overview

If you want to delete the data table imported with the custom data import command, you can use the drop_table command to delete the custom table. The command execution example:

# II. Instructions for Use

# 2.1 Command description

The deletion command is as follows:

ta-tool drop_table -table test [-start yyyy-MM-dd] [-end yyyy-MM-dd]

# 2.2 Command parameter description

# 2.2.1 -table

table is a custom table name that needs to be entered.

# 2.2.2 -start

start is the start time of the partition to be deleted, and the end value is set. If start is not set, the minimum date of the current custom table is taken as the start time.

# 2.2.3 -end

end is the end time of the partition to be deleted, and the start value is set. If end is not set, the maximum date of the current custom table is taken as the end date.

Note: This command will only delete custom tables uploaded with the data_transfer command, and cannot delete user or event tables. If the command does not specify the start and end time, all data in the table will be deleted and cannot be recovered. Please operate with caution!