
# Operation Tasks

Operation Tasks are one of the basic features of the ThinkingEngine Engage Module. You may rapidly create operation tasks and select specific approach to reach in order to push designated content to target users at appropriate times and monitor the effectiveness of operation tasks in real time, thereby facilitating data growth.

Operation tasks are carriers of operation strategies. An operation strategy should involve the target audience, approach to reach, content of reach and timing of reach. You may also set a conversion target for the operation strategy in order to assess its effectiveness by conversion data.

You may access the Operation Task List page from the Operation Task Menu, where you can see all operation tasks, their status and the completion of targets.

On the Operation Task List, you can:

  • Create new tasks
  • Manage existing tasks
  • View task outcomes
  • Filter tasks by different parameters
  • Search tasks by task names or IDs

Create new tasks

Click Create Task in the upper right corner and you will start the process of task creation and complete steps like selecting the approach to reach, target users, timing of push, channel of reach, content of reach and target setting under guidance.

For more information, you may consult Creating Operation Tasks.

Manage existing tasks

On the Task List, each activity has the following operations that can be used for management:

  • Change subgroup
  • View push history
  • Cancel/Approve
  • Send (only for manual push tasks)
  • Pause
  • Copy
  • Delete

For more information, please view Operation Task Management.

View task outcomes

You may directly view the overall completion status of each task on the Task List page, or click the task name to enter the Task Data Details page to view detailed data on tasked research and target conversion.

For more information, please see Task Effect Analysis.

Filter tasks

Filtering by task status, subgroup, push type and creator can be conducted to rapidly filter out the task list you want to view.

Search tasks

You may enter the name or ID of an operation task in the search bar on the right to locate specific operation tasks.