
# Best Practices

You can apply data conclusions to business scenarios via the Engage Module in order to provide personalized content for users at different stages and thus fulfill significant improvements in key metrics like activity, retention and payment.

# New user stage

Scenario description: In the early stage when new users experience the game, the Engage Module offers a series of push services (e.g., APP push) to send messages and notifications to target users. Users are able to receive personalized guiding content even when they have not enabled relevant APPs. This way, interactions between users and retention rate can be promoted.

Purpose of push: to improve activity and retention of new users.

Push scheme: segment target audience satisfying conditions based on New User Campaigns of the product, and push appropriate personalized content in a periodic way.

# Activating silent users

Scenario description: In case of decreased user activity, notification messages or rewards will be sent to target users via a series of push services of the Engage Module (e.g., APP push and in-game mails). Users are able to receive personalized guiding content even when they have not enabled relevant APPs. This way, interactions between users and retention rate can be promoted.

Purpose of push: to improve activity of less active users.

Push scheme: segment target audience satisfying conditions based on major highlights of the product, and push appropriate personalized content in a pre-scheduled or periodic way.

# Churn recall

Scenario description: After user churn, a series of push services (e.g., APP push and text messages) will be sent to recall valuable target users in order to improve the reflow.

Purpose of push: to improve the reflow of churned users.

Push scheme: segment target audience satisfying conditions based on major highlights of the product and reflow campaigns, and push appropriate personalized content in a pre-scheduled or periodic way.

(Segmentation conditions + push content screenshot)

# Regular notification

Scenario description: Daily login or rewards offering notifications, such as logging in to receive physical strengths or logging in on weekends to receive rewards.

Purpose of push: to improve users' login frequency or active duration on weekends.

Push scheme: segment target audience satisfying conditions based on the periodic campaign mechanism of the product, and push appropriate personalized content in a periodic way.

# New content launch

Scenario description: In case of new version launch (e.g., new heroes or skins, newly launched quests, resources or gameplay modes), a series of push services (e.g., APP push, gift package pop-ups and time-limited malls) will be initiated by the Engage Module to send notification messages and offer sources to target users, thereby improving their participation or consumption of new content.

Purpose of push: to improve user activity and payment.

Push scheme: segment target audience satisfying conditions based on nodes of product versions and rhythm of resource launch, and push appropriate personalized content in a pre-scheduled or periodic way.

# Benefits for low combat strength players

Scenario description: For highly active players with low combat strengths (i.e., players with high gaming willingness but low payment willingness), a series of push services (e.g., in-game mails, high cost-effective gift package pop-ups) will be initiated by the Engage Module to give users rewards or guide them to high cost-effective payments, thereby improving long-term retention and payment.

Purpose of push: to improve long-term retention and payment of low combat strength users.

Push scheme: segment target audience satisfying conditions based on nodes of product versions and rhythm of resource launch, and push appropriate personalized content in a pre-scheduled or periodic way.

# Directed questionnaire-based survey

Scenario description: To better carry out qualitative analysis of products, directed questionnaires are distributed to different targeted users across different stages in order to obtain product feedback from specific groups.

Purpose of push: To understand the intentions and feedback of specific groups towards a product as references for subsequent optimization iteration.

Push scheme: segment target audience satisfying conditions based on actual needs, and push appropriate questionnaires.