
# Validation

For projects configured with a tracking plan that already has reported data, you can test whether the quality of saved data is in line with your expectation. When performing the validation test, the system will conduct batch scanning of the quality of data within the specified scope in order to identify events or properties that do not conform to acceptance criteria.

The test mainly involves:

  • Differences between reported data and the data processing rules of the tracking plan;
  • Null value rate of reported properties. When the null value rate of properties exceeds the specified threshold, it will be recognized as an exception.

Note: The scope of the validation test includes events and tracked properties, but preset properties will not be tested.

# Configure validate rules

Click Validate Data and you will be able to configure the rules. You can select to validate event data or user data.

(1) Validation of event data

The scope of the validation can be configured based on event time, event scope and filter conditions:

  • Event time: The range of time for the validation, which is defaulted as yesterday and can be customized. Note: The time refers to the #time field in the reported data which is not offset along with the project timezone
  • Select events: The events that need to be validated, which are defaulted as the full events. The scope of events can be customized. For example, you can select to carry out a validation using the newly added tracking events in the new version
  • Filter: If you collect reported data through client SDK, you can specify data from a certain source to perform an acceptance test

Set validation rules for the null value rate of properties. Including null value rate threshold and statistical rules:

  • Null Rate Calculation: When the null value rate of properties exceeds the threshold, an exception will be shown in validation results
  • Statistical Rules: You can choose whether to include the null strings into the null value rate of properties

(2) Validation of user data

Set the scope of user data and rules for the null value rate of properties for user data to be validated. The same as the event data for validation.

# Results of validation

The report of validation can be viewed after the validation is completed.

Results of validation of event data:

Results Description of results
Reported data is consistent with the data tracking plan and the null value rates of properties are lower than preset thresholds.
No data
No event data is reported within the selected scope of the acceptance test.
Any of the following circumstances will be identified as event exception:
Event not falling in the tracking plan
Event not falling in the tracking plan, but there is actually reported data
Missing of properties, that is, no actually reported properties
Inconsistency between reported property types and those in the tracking plan
The null value rate of the property is larger than the present threshold value

Results of acceptance test of user data:

Results Result description
Reported property data is consistent with that of the tracking plan and the null value rate of properties is lower than a preset threshold value.

A user property will be recognized as exception in any of the following circumstances:
User property not in the tracking plan;
Property missing: No actual reported user properties in the tracking plan;
Reported property types are not consistent with those in the tracking plan
The null value rate of properties exceeds the preset threshold.