
# Dashboard

A dashboard integrates different Reports under the same analysis theme and helps you obtain all data performances of an analysis theme on one page. In the meantime, you may add analysis descriptions or business information using Notes, thereby helping viewers better interpret data. The Date Module and Filter Module give a dashboard an interactive analytical capacity, and by clicking "Filter", you will be able to locate data performance on more segmented dimensions with ease. The Sharing Dashboard adds efficiency and convenience to intra-team communication and collaboration.

Using dashboards, you can:

  • Conveniently and interactively view multiple data reports under a certain analysis theme,

such as new retention in different channels under the retention theme, the weekly retention rate of new users and the retention rate of core gameplay across different channels;

  • Add the filter module to switch the perspective by which data reports in the dashboard are viewed

For example, by adding country, channel and other filtering fields to the dashboard, you can filter and view data performance of different countries across different channels;

  • Collaborate with members within the TE, or push data metrics to mailboxes and work groups periodically

For example, multiple dashboards can be shared within the project group through Project Space, Daily Push can be pushed periodically to the mailboxes of specified members.

In the following document, you will learn how to create and manage your own dashboards in TE; how to share a dashboard with team members in various ways; and how to view dashboard data at the mobile end anytime and anywhere. You can view Best Practices to learn best practices associated with the dashboard module in various data viewing scenarios.
