
# Best Practices

# Use dashboard sharing and team space to achieve data collaboration

Dashboard Sharing is suitable for sharing data of a single dashboard; while Team Space is suitable for sharing data of multiple dashboards in order to raise attention and facilitate collaboration between members.

  • Share dashboard to team members to transmit business information

When you need to share reports based on some metrics with others and reach a consensus on a business theme among many members, you can place these reports on a dashboard and use the Share feature. You can also set other members as dashboard editors to facilitate coordinated maintenance of the dashboard.

  • Create a shared project space to store data that needs collective attention

When some data metrics require collection attention from team members, the admins and editors of Team Space may place reports generated based on these metrics on the dashboard and then add the dashboard to the space.

For example, you can develop a report based on general metrics of a project like the number of daily new users, the number of new users from each channel and the number of retained new users on the next day and place it to the new user-themed dashboard and in turn, in Team Space. The dashboards themed on user activity and backflow of churned users can be simultaneously placed and sorted out in Project Space.

In this case, the hierarchical structure of the dashboard visible to all members within the space is the same. The space can be regarded as a standard data viewing area where data needing collective attention of the entire team are stored.

# Use dashboard filter module to conduct multi-dimensional analysis of user groups

The page filter offered by the dashboard can be used to filter multiple reports and conduct multi-dimensional analysis of specific user groups.

For example, when activities of high and low consumption users, as well as their contributions to turnovers, need to be analyzed, you may first place a number of reports presenting user properties such as activity, payment amount and payment rate on the dashboard.

Then, you can add a page filter to the dashboard and set the tag of "User Groups Classified by Consumption" as filtering condition.

At this point, the editors and viewers of the dashboard can use similar filtering conditions to conveniently screen out the activities of high and low consumption groups and their contributions to revenues.

# Use notes to record business information or analysis conclusions

Take key dashboards, for example. Key dashboards often contain a large multitude of reports and user tags. Depending on the metrics carried, these reports can be divided into reports related to new users, retained user activity and payment.

Tags can be used to divided a dashboard into multiple areas, each of which can be attached with remarks on business information and analysis conclusions so that new participators can rapidly understand the business associated with the dashboard when it is shared.