
# Native Support

# 1. iOS Native Support

Building the iOS project for the first time, it will create native project file to ./build/ios/ and ./native/engine/ios/, and then you can start configuring the iOS project.

# 1.1 Manual Configuration

  • Add iOS project files
    • CocosCreatorProxyApi.h
    • CocosCreatorProxyApi.mm
    • ThinkingSDK.framework
  • Build Phases
    • Add ThinkingSDK.framework to Link Binary With Libraries
  • Build Settings
    • Add ThinkingSDK.framework path, e.g. "$(SRCROOT)/../Classes", to Framework Search Paths
    • Add -ObjC to Other Linker Flags

# 1.2 CMakeList Configuration

  1. CMakeList file path is ./native/engine/ios/CMakeLists.txt

  2. The CMakeList file will be created after the iOS project is built for the first time, and it will take effect when it is built again after configuration

  3. Copy iOS files to project, e.g. ./native/engine/common/Classes/ThinkingAnalytics/ios/, and config CMakeList

  • Add iOS project files
# find the following code 
    # add the following code
  • Build Phases
# find the following code 
target_link_libraries(${LIB_NAME} cocos2d)
# add the following code
target_link_libraries(${LIB_NAME} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../common/Classes/ThinkingAnalytics/ios/ThinkingSDK.framework)
  • Build Settings
# find the following code 
# add the following code

Cocos Creator v2.x does not support the CMake configuration mode, and needs to be configured manually.

# 2. Android Native Support

Build and config the Android project.

  • Open Android project with Android Studio and switch to Android mode. Add CocosCreatorProxyApi.java to com.cocos.game , like this:

  • Find the file proguard-rules.pro in /app, and add obfuscated code

-keep public class com.cocos.game.CocosCreatorProxyApi {*;}
  • Create directory named libs, and copy ThinkingSDK.aar to libs
  • Add code to build.gradle of Module
dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.aar'])

# 3. Enable Native Support

When initializing the SDK, add enableNative: true to enable Native support

// SDK config object
var config = {
   appId: "YOUR_APPID", // APP ID
   serverUrl: "YOUR_SERVER_URL", // server URL
   enableNative: true// enable call Native code
// create TE instance
var te = new ThinkingAnalyticsAPI(config);