
# Automatic Event Tracking

# 1. Introduction

CocosCreator SDK support auto-tracking Mini Game Event:

  1. Open Mini Game, including activiting Mini Game and resuming Mini Game from the background
  2. Close Mini Game: including disabling the Mini Game

# 2. Enable Auto-Tracking

Configing before SDK initialization to enable auto-tracking:

var config = {
    appid: "YOUR_APPID",
    server_url: "YOUR_SERVER_URL",
    autoTrack: {
         appShow: true, 
         appHide: true, 
         properties: { 
         callback: (eventType:any) =>{ 
           if (eventType === 'appShow')
            return { appShowKey: 'appShowValue' };
           else if (eventType === 'appHide')
            return { appHideKey: 'appHideValue' };
           else {
             return {};
var te = new ThinkingAnalyticsAPI(config);
  • appShow: enable auto-tracking open Mini Game
  • appHide: enable auto-tracking close Mini Game
  • properties: auto-tracking events properties
  • callback: auto-tracking events callback

# 3. Instructions

# 3.1 Open Mini Game

Mini Game started event would be triggered when the user enables the Mini Game or resumes the Mini Game from the background. A detailed description of the start event is as follows:

  • Event Name:ta_mg_show
  • Auto-tracking Event Properties:
    • #scene, game scene name

# 2.2 Close Mini Game

Mini Game end event would be triggered when the user disables the Mini Game or moves the Mini Game to the background. Detailed description of the end event is as follows:

  • Event Name:ta_mg_hide
  • Auto-tracking Event Properties:
    • #scene, game scene name
    • #duration, numeric type, indicating the duration of each Mini Game (unit: second)