
# Explore Module

The exploration module provides the ability to drill down dashboard reports in detail. Through the exploration module, users can add filtering conditions or adjust query grouping to any report separately, which is suitable for in-depth mining of important data or general indicators.

# I. The Entrance of Explore Module and Applicable Roles

After hovering over the dashboard report, click the "Explore" button in the upper right corner of the report to enter the exploration module of the report.

By default, all characters can enter the exploration module.

Company Supervisors
Ordinary members
Use the "Explore Module."

Permission description:

● Role must have

▲ The role has the permission by default, but can revoke

△ The role is not available by default, but can be authorized

○ Character must not have

# II. Function introduction

# 2.1 Interface layout

The interface of the exploration module is shown in the figure, which mainly includes the following modules:

  1. Report Information Area: Displays the name of the report and the comments of the report. If the project turns on the time zone function, the time zone control will appear here. The time zone here is consistent with the time zone in the dashboard. If the dashboard does not lock the time zone, you can switch the time zone here.

  2. Operating area: the most important area in the exploration module, where you can add indicators to filter and adjust grouping conditions to complete in-depth exploration of indicators, you can also switch through the tab to view the query history of the exploration module and save query conditions.

  3. Chart area: the area where the calculation results are displayed is similar to the operation of dashboard report. It supports the switching of analysis time and chart type, as well as the operation of refreshing data and exporting data.

  4. Back button: Click the button in the upper right corner of the interface to return to the dashboard.

# 2.2 Query Function

The "Query" tab is a place for drill-down analysis of indicators. It supports adding filtering criteria to indicators and modifying grouping attributes.

When entering the exploratory module, index filtering first obtains the filtering conditions of dashboard. If no filtering is set, the default is no filtering conditions. Grouping items then obtain the grouping criteria for the report itself.

Indicator filtering and grouping items are two main drilling methods:

  • Metric filtering is an additional filtering on the basis of report indicators, and the filtering criteria when the report was created will still take effect**.**
  • Grouping items can adjust the original grouping conditions of the report.

All operations in the Explore module, such as adding indicators or adjusting grouping items, will not modify the indicator settings of the original report**.**

Click the "Calculate" button below to query. The query results will be recorded in the query history. You can click "History" on the tab to view the query history.

# 2.3 Search History

The "History" tab will record the history of the last 20 exploration queries for this report, where you can view previous query conditions or recalculate with previous conditions.

Query history will not be saved for a long time. You can click the "Collection" button on the right side of a history to save valuable query conditions for a long time.

# 2.4 Favorites Query

"Favorites" is a long-term query condition and is bound to the account number.

The way to save your favorites is under the "History" tab, click the Collection button on the right side of Query History to save it.

Under the "Favorites" tab, you can view the query conditions of the collection or calculate by the collection conditions. In addition, you can rename or remove the collection.

# 2.5 Visualization Exploration

Since version 3.3, it supports the visual exploration of SQL reports. You can enter the visual configuration page through the top button. Please refer to the visualization module.

# III. Best Applications

# 3.1 Dashboard-based Analysis of Specific User Groups

To explore various core indicators of dashboard, the drilling and filtering with specific user groups as the exploration is more convenient to operate and logically conforms to the perspective of user groups compared with the filter that can only be carried out in the model before.

  • View key metrics for specific populations based on user grouping/tags

# 3.2 Flexible Switching of Analysis Dimensions

In the previous dashboard preparation process, dashboards with the same indicator in multiple different dimensions were often created, such as multiple DAU reports based on the dimensions of source channel, region, and device model. This form not only requires the creation of a large number of repetitive reports, but also hinders the application of secondary dimensions to a certain extent. Using the exploration module, the analysis dimension can be adjusted very flexibly to reduce the dependence on multiple reports of the same indicator, and at the same time, users can be given the ability to utilize secondary dimensions.

  • Flexible adjustment of grouping attributes, multi-dimensional view of core data

# 3.3 Switch Dynamic Parameters of SQL Reports

If you use dynamic parameters in a saved SQL report, you can adjust the values of the dynamic parameters in the Explore module. Through this operation, you can adjust the conditions of the query without entering the SQL query page, and you can also allow users who do not have SQL query permissions to adjust the parameters of the SQL query in the exploration module.