
# Preset Properties

Preset Properties will have differences on different platforms, for details: Android, iOS.

# 1. Preset Properties of All Events

All Events in Unity SDK(including auto-tracking events) would have the following preset property.

# 2. Preset Properties of Auto-tracking Event

The following preset properties are the properties set specially for each auto-tracking event

  • Preset properties of APP end event (ta_app_end)
Property name Display name Property type Instruction
Event duration
Numeric value
Indicating the duration of the APP access (Unit: second).
  • Preset properties of APP crash event (ta_app_crash)

# 3. Other Preset Properties

In addition to the Preset properties above, some preset properties would only be recorded after corresponding API is called:

Property name Display name Property type Instruction
Event duration
Numeric value
Timing function
should be invoked to record the event duration (Unit: second)

# 4. Getting Preset Properties

If you need to use the preset properties of the client SDK when tracking events on the server, then you can use GetPresetProperties to get these properties and upload them to the server.

//get property objects
TDPresetProperties presetProperties = ThinkingAnalyticsAPI.GetPresetProperties();

//get all preset properties
Dictionary<string, object> eventPresetProperties = presetProperties.ToEventPresetProperties();
        "#carrier": "T-Mobile",
        "#os": "iOS",
        "#device_id": "A8B1C00B-A6AC-4856-8538-0FBC642C1BAD",
        "#screen_height": 2264,
        "#bundle_id": "com.sw.thinkingdatademo",
        "#app_version": "0.1",
        "#manufacturer": "Apple",
        "#device_model": "iPhone7",
        "#screen_width": 1080,
        "#system_language": "zh",
        "#os_version": "10",
        "#network_type": "WIFI",
        "#zone_offset": 8,

//get a preset properties
string bundleId = presetProperties.BundleId;//package name
string os = presetProperties.OS;//os type, e.g. Android, iOS
string systemLanguage = presetProperties.SystemLanguage;//type of mobile phone system language
int screenWidth = presetProperties.ScreenWidth;//screen width
int screenHeight = presetProperties.ScreenHeight;//screen height
string deviceModel = presetProperties.DeviceModel;//device model
string deviceId = presetProperties.DeviceId;//unique identifier of device
string carrier = presetProperties.Carrier;//information about operator of the SIM card. Operation information of the primary card should be got under dual-card dual-standby mode 
string manufacture = presetProperties.Manufacturer;//device manufacturer, e.g. HuaWei
string networkType = presetProperties.NetworkType;//network type
string osVersion = presetProperties.OSVersion;//system version number
double zoneOffset = presetProperties.ZoneOffset;//timezone offset value
string appVersion = presetProperties.appVersion;//APP version 

IP, nation and city information are parsed and generated by the server. The client shall not provide the interface to get such properties

# 5. Disable Preset Property Tracking

If you want to forbid tracking certain preset properties to ensure compliance and meet actual business requirements, you can add ta_public_config.xml under the Resources catalog of the engineering catalog, which would be used to configure the property array that is not allowed to be tracked.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- ThinkingAnalytics DisablePresetProperties start -->
    <string-array name="TDDisPresetProperties">
       <!-- <item>#app_version</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#os_version</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#manufacturer</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#device_model</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#screen_height</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#screen_width</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#carrier</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#device_id</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#system_language</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#lib</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#lib_version</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#os</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#bundle_id</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#install_time</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#start_reason</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#simulator</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#network_type</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#start_reason</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#resume_from_background</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#title</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#screen_name</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#url</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#referrer</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#element_type</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#element_id</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#element_position</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#element_content</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#element_selector</item> -->
       <!-- <item>#app_crashed_reason</item> -->
    <!-- ThinkingAnalytics DisablePresetProperties end -->