
# C#

::: Tips

Before you begin, please read Pre-access Preparations (opens new window)

Supported platforms: Windows, and the size is about 29 KB


Latest version: 1.1.0

Update time: September 27, 2022

Resource download: SDK Source Code (opens new window)

# 1. SDK Integration

Download Source Code from GitHub (opens new window), Add ThinkingData.csfile to project.

The SDK relies on Newtonsoft.Json for json parsing. If you are using Visual Studio, please use NuGet to add Newtonsoft.Json library.

# 2. Initialization

using ThinkingData.Analytics;
ThinkingdataAnalytics te = new ThinkingdataAnalytics(APPID,SERVER_URL);

Instruction on parameters:

  • APPID: The APP ID of your project, which can be found on the project management page of the TE.


    • If you are using a SaaS version, please check the receiver URL on this page

    • If you use the private deployment version, you can customize the data tracking URL .

# 3. Common Features

We suggested that you read User Identification Rules (opens new window) before using common features; SDK would generate a random number that would be used as the distinct ID, and save the ID locally. Before the user logs in, the distinct ID would be used as the identification ID. Note: The distinct ID would change after the user reinstalled the App or used the APP with a new device.

# 3.1 Login

When the users log in , Login could be called to set the account ID of the user. TE would use the account ID as the identification ID, and this ID would be saved before Logout is called. The previous account ID would be replaced if Login has been called multiple times.


Login events wouldn't be uploaded in this method.

# 3.2 Sending Events

You can call Track to upload events. It is suggested that you set event properties based on the data tracking plan drafted previously. Here is an example of a user buying an item:

Dictionary<string, object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
properties.Add("channel", "te");//string
dic.Add("id", 618834);//number
dic.Add("isSuccess", true);//boolean
dic.Add("create_date", Convert.ToDateTime("2019-7-8 20:23:22"));//time
List<string> arr = new List<string>();
dic.Add("arr", arr);//array
te.Track("product_buy", dic);

The event name is string type. It could only start with a character and could contain figures, characters, and an underline "_", with a maximum length of 50 characters.

# 3.2 User Properties

You can set user properties by calling UserSet API. The original properties would be replaced by the properties uploaded via this API. The data type of newly-created user properties must be the same as the uploaded properties. User name setting is taken as the example here:

te.UserSet(new Dictionary<string, object>(){{"user_name", "TE"}});

# 4. Best Practice

The following sample code covers all the above-mentioned operations. It is recommended that the SDK be used in the following steps:

using ThinkingData.Analytics;

ThinkingdataAnalytics te = new ThinkingdataAnalytics(APPID,SERVER_URL);
//if the user has logged in, the account ID of the user could be set as the unique identifier
Dictionary<string, Object> dic = new Dictionary<string, object>();
properties.Add("channel", "te");//string
dic.Add("id", 618834);//number
dic.Add("isSuccess", true);//boolean
dic.Add("create_date", Convert.ToDateTime("2019-7-8 20:23:22"));//time
List<string> arr = new List<string>();
dic.Add("arr", arr);//array
te.Track("product_buy", dic);
// object
Dictionary<string, object> json = new Dictionary<string, object>();
json.Add("key", "value");
dic.Add("object", json);
//array object
List<Dictionary<string, object>> arr1 = new List<Dictionary<string, object>>();
Dictionary<string, object> json1 = new Dictionary<string, object>();
json1.Add("key", "value");
dic.Add("objects", arr1);
//Set user properties
te.UserSet(new Dictionary<string, object>(){{"user_name", "TE"}});