
# Preset Properties

# 1. Preset Properties of All Events

The following present properties are properties that all events in uni-app SDK (including auto-tracking events) would have.

# 2. Preset Properties of Auto-tracking Event

The following preset properties are the properties set specially for each auto-tracking event

  • Preset properties of mini porgram active(ta_mp_show)
Property name Display name Property type
page path
The mini program starts the path to the page being displayed
  • Preset properties of mini porgram inactive(ta_mp_hide)
Property name Display name Property type Instruction
event duration
Numeric value
Indicates the duration between the start of ta_mp_show and the hiding of ta_mp_hide, in seconds
  • Preset properties of mini porgram page display(ta_mp_view)
Property name Display name Property type Instruction
page path
The mini program starts the path to the page being displayed
forward address
the path of the page before the page is displayed, the path before the jump. If it is the home page displayed when the mini-program is started, the value is "open directly".
  • Preset properties of mini porgram page display(ta_mp_share)
Property name Display name Property type Instruction
page path
the path to the page where the mini program is forwarded

# 3.Obtain Preset Properties

You can call getPresetProperties() to obtain preset properties.

When some preset properties of the App side is required for the server-side data tracking, this method can be applied to obtain the preset properties of the App side and then send them to the server.

//obtain property objects
var presetProperties = ta.getPresetProperties();
//generate event preset properties
var properties = presetProperties.toEventPresetProperties();
         "#device_model":"iPhone 5",
//obtain a certain preset properties
var os = presetProperties.os; //os type
var osVersion = presetProperties.osVersion; //system version number
var networkType = presetProperties.networkType; //network type
var manufacture = presetProperties.manufacture; //mobile phone manufacturer, e.g., HuaWei
var deviceModel = presetProperties.deviceModel; //device model
var screenWidth = presetProperties.screenWidth; //screen width
var screenHeight = presetProperties.screenHeight; //screen height
var deviceId = presetProperties.deviceId; //unique identifier of device
var zoneOffset = presetProperties.zoneOffset; ////timezone offset value

IP and national city information are parsed and generated by the server. The client side shall not provide the interface to obtain such properties