
# Preset Properties and System Fields

::: Tips

This section will introduce all the built-in properties and system fields in TE. For detailed built-in properties of the platform, please refer to:

Android platform, iOS platform, Web platform, Server


Preset properties refer to the properties generated or obtained by TE. All the preset properties, all event properties, start with "#", with their Chinese name and meaning clearly defined. System fields refer to the structure fields in data (e.g., #account_idand #event_time, etc.), or fields with special usage in the database. Such fields would not be used directly nor indirectly in the analysis model.

Except for the following preset properties, any properties starting with "#" would be defined as illegal fields and could not be stored. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not set the self-defined properties as properties starting with "#". Since all the system fields could not be used as events or user properties and should be uploaded during data ingestion.

Please note that it is recommended that you do not use preset properties other than #ip. It is suggested that you set such properties under the guidance of TE staff to ensure the properties of data on multiple terminals are consistent when the client-side SDK and other transmission modes are used simultaneously.

  • Preset property:
Property name Description Property type Instruction
Client-side IP
The IP address of the user, based on which TE would obtain the geographical location of the user
The country where the user is located; generated based on the IP address
Code of country/region
The code of the country where the user is located (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2, two English characters in upper case); is generated based on the IP address
The province where the user is located; generated based on the IP address
The city where the user is located; generated based on the IP address
OS version
iOS 11.2.2, Android 8.0.0, etc.
The manufacturer of the user device, namely, Apple, Sumsung, etc.
E.g., Android, iOS, etc.
Device No.
The ID of the user device; IDFV or UUID of the user for iOS; androidID for Android
Screen height
Numerical value
The screen height of the user device, e.g., 1920, etc.
Screen width
Numerical value
The screen height of the user device, e.g., 1080, etc.
Device model
Model of the user deivce, e.g., iPhone 8, etc.
Device type
Type of user device, e.g., iPad, iPhone,etc.
APP version
The version of your APP
APP package name
APP package name or process name
SDK type
The type of the SDK to which you access, e.g., Android,iOS, etc.
SDK version
The version of the SDK to which you access
Network type
The network state when an event is uploaded, e.g., WIFI, 3G, 4G, etc.
The network operator of the user device, namely, AT&T, Vodafone, etc.
Type of the browser used by the user, e.g., Chrome, Firefox, etc.
Browser version
The version of the browser used by the user, e.g., Chrome 61.0, Firefox 57.0, etc.
Event duration
Numerical value
The duration was recorded by using the timing function (unit: second)
Screen URL
Used in the auto-tracking event, the address of the current page (a page not defined by service). The value of screen URL in the web page is located.href, while the value of the screen URL on the Android/iOS platform is the self-defined page path
Page path
Used in the auto-tracking event, the address of the current page (a page not defined by service). Value: location.pathname
Forward address
Used in the auto-tracking event, the address of the page before skipping (a page not defined by service). The value of the forward address in the web page document.referrer, while the value of the forward address on Android/iOS platform is the self-defined forward page path
Forward domain name
Used in the auto-tracking event, the path of the page before skipping (a page not defined by service). The value is the host of referrer
Screen title
Used in auto-tracking event, the tittle of current page (a page not defined by service). The value in the web page is document.title, while the value on Android platform is the tittle of Activity, with the value being the value of the title property of Activity. The value on iOS platform is the tittle of View Controller, with the value being that of the controller.navigationItem.title property
Screen name
Used in the auto-tracking event, the name of page(a page not defined by service). The value on Android platform is the package name.type name of Activity, while the value on iOS platform is the type name of View Controller
Element ID
Used in the auto-tracking event, ID of the controller
Element type
Used in auto-tracking event, ID of the controller
Resume from the background or not
Numerical value
Used in auto-tracking event, whether to resume the app from the background, Boolean
Element selector
Used in the auto-tracking event, viewPath of the controller
Element position
Used in the auto-tracking event, the location information of the controller
Element content
Used in the auto-tracking event, the content of the controller
Scenario value
Numerical value
Scenario value uploaded upon initiating mini-program of WeChat
Mini-program platform
Platform where the identification app locates
Abnormal information
Used in the auto-tracking event to record the stack information of APP crash
Timezone offset
Numerical value
Data’s offset hours when compared with UTC time
Default language of the system
The system language of the user device (ISO 639-1, two digits of lower case English letters), namely, zh, en,etc.
APP installation time
The time when the user installs the APP, with the value coming from the system
Simulator or not
Numerical value
The device is a simulator or not true/false
Memory (GB)
The remaining memory and total memory of the user device (unit: GB), for example, 1.4/2.4
Hard disk (GB)
The remaining storage and total storage of the user device (unit: GB), for example, 30/200
Numerical value
The transmission frame rate per second of current image of the user device, for example, 60
Background duration
Numerical value
Record the background duration of the APP in the time interval between two start events (unit: second)
Start reason
The property only exists when the app is enabled under the non-launcher mode, for example, deeplink mode or the startActivity of other apps. Sample data: "#start_reason":"{"url":"thinkingdata:\/\/","data":""}"
Current agent information of the user
Used to identify the operating system and version, CPU type, browser and version, browser rendering engine, browser language, and browser plugin used by the user
Property of advertisement sources
The advertisement information originates from the user, including advertisement sources, advertisement media, etc.
  • System fields in the event table
Field name Description Property type Instruction
Event partition field
Event partition field, obtained from #event_name, the event name
Date partition field
Date partition field, obtained from #event_time, the date when the event occurred
Unique ID of the user
Numerical value
Unique user identifier in the system
Account ID
Account ID, equivalent to the #account_id in the data
Distinct ID
Distinct ID, equivalent to the #distinct_id in the data
Event name
Event name, equivalent to the #event_name field in the data
Event time
Event time, equivalent to the #time field in the data
Server time
The time when the server receives the data
  • System fields in the user table
Field name Description Property type Instruction
Unique ID of the user
Numerical value
Unique user identifier in the system
Account ID
Account ID, equivalent to the #account_id in data
Distinct ID
Distinct ID, equivalent to the #distinct_id in the data
Activation time
The time of the #time field when the first piece of data of the user is stored (including the event and user property data)
Register time
The time of the #time field when the first piece of data containing the account ID of the user is stored (including the event and user property data)
Update time
The time when the #time field of the last piece of user property data is received
Server time
The server time when the last piece of user property data is received