
# Advanced Analysis


This section will briefly introduce the relevant contents of advanced analysis to help you better understand the TA platform. If you are interested in a certain part, you can click to enter the corresponding chapter of the user manual. Before viewing this, it is recommended that you read behavioral analysis and user analysis.

  • The analysis subject is a characteristic function of TA. Event attributes or user attributes can be used as the source to create the analysis subject, such as account ID, guild ID, device ID, etc. Once an analysis body is created, it can be used in models such as retention analysis, funnel analysis, etc., or tags can be created based on the analysis body.
  • Time zone management can help you manage the display time zone in your system by displaying the data according to a uniform caliber, such as converting the event time reported by all the regional servers into the corresponding time of the Eastern Eight Zones to ensure that there are no aperture differences under the project.
  • Tag history version is to back up the result data calculated by the label on the corresponding date. You can choose 'Automatic Backup' when the label is automatically updated, or 'Manual Backup' on the history version management page. The tag history version can restore the user status at the time of the event and make the analysis conclusion more accurate.