
# Android SDK Compliance Guide

# I. Fill in SDK in Privacy Policy

# 1.1 Collection and Acquisition

Complete the following as appropriate in the Collection and Access to Your Personal Information section of the 'Privacy Policy'.

When you are active, Thinking Data collects your device information (IDFV, AndroidID, operating system, device model, device manufacturer, system version, etc.) for statistical analysis of how you use it within App.

# 1.2 Share with Authorized Partners

Complete the following as appropriate in the Sharing with Authorized Partners section of the Privacy Policy.

Thinking Data SDK: Collect your device information (IDFV, AndroidID, operating system, device model, device manufacturer, system version, etc.) and networking information for data analysis to improve our products and services.

# II. SDK Compliance Steps

ThinkingData SDK requires you to ensure that users initialize the SDK after agreeing to the Privacy Policy

// whether to open data acquisition according to privacy protocol
if (Authorized Privacy Policy) {
    ThinkingAnalyticsSDK instance = ThinkingAnalyticsSDK.sharedInstance(this, TA_APP_ID, TA_SERVER_URL);