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# Debugging and Logging

During the process of SDK Integration, you can perform real-time debugging by checking SDK logs in the IDE console or using the Debug function of TE.

# Logging

local tdAnalytics = require "ThinkingDataSdk"
-- enable log

# Debugging

You need to follow the following two steps to enable the Debug mode:

# 2.1 Use DebugConsumer

The sample code for enabling the Debug mode on the client side is as follows:

local tdAnalytics = require "ThinkingDataSdk"
local consumer = tdAnalytics.TDDebugConsumer("SERVER_URL", "APP_ID", false, "DeviceId")
local sdk = tdAnalytics(consumer)

local distinctId = "ABCDEFG123456789"
local accountId = "TE_10001"

local properties = {}
properties["#ip"] = ""
properties["#device_id"] = "te_device_id"

sdk:track(accountId, distinctId, "payment", properties)

# 2.2 Add Device

To avoid launching the Debug mode in the production environment, it is required that only specified device can enable Debug mode. The Debug mode can only be enabled for devices whose ID has been configured in the "Debug data" sector on the "tracking management" page of the TE.

It can only be used for data verification at the integration stage, and should not be used in the online environment.