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# Debugging and Logging

During the process of SDK Integration, you can perform real-time debugging by checking SDK logs in the IDE console or using the Debug function of TE.

# Logging

TDLog::enable = true;

# Debugging

You need to follow the following two steps to enable the Debug mode:

# Use DebugConsumer

The sample code for enabling the Debug mode on the client side is as follows:

string deviceId = "123456789";
TDDebugConsumer debugConsumer("appId", "serverUrl", "", deviceId);
TDAnalytics te(debugConsumer);

TDPropertiesNode event_properties;
event_properties.SetString("name", "value");

te.track("accountId", "distinctId", "eventName", event_properties);

It can only be used for data verification at the integration stage, and should not be used in the online environment.