
# Automatic Event Tracking

# 1. Introduction

TE provides Apis for automatic data tracking. You can select the data to be tracked based on your needs.

Currently, the following types of events can be tracked automatically:

  1. Install: behavior of APP installation
  2. Open App: including activiting APP and resuming APP from the background
  3. Close App: including disabling the APP and calling in the background while tracking the duration of the enabling process
  4. View Page:The user views the screen in the APP (UIViewController)
  5. Click:The user clicks on the UI element in the APP
  6. Crash:Record crash information when the APP crashes

See below for more details on how to start tracking these events.

# 2. Enable Auto-Tracking

You can call enableAutoTrack: to enable the auto-tracking function:

//enable autotrack event
[[ThinkingAnalyticsSDK sharedInstanceWithAppid:APP_ID]enableAutoTrack:
ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAppStart | //APP enable event
ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAppInstall | // APP install event
ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAppEnd | //APP disable event
ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAppViewScreen | //APP view screen event 
ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAppClick | //APP click view event
ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAppViewCrash]; //APP crash event

# Instructions

# 3.1 Installation Events

APP install event would record the installation of the APP and be reported when the APP is being activated. The event is triggered when the APP is activated for the first time after installation. APP upgrade would not trigger an installation event. If the user reinstalls the app after uninstalling it, the installing event will be triggered again.

  • Event name: ta_app_install

# 3.2 Active Events

APP started event would be triggered when the user enables the APP or resumes the APP from the background. A detailed description of the start event is as follows:

  • Event name: ta_app_start
  • Preset property: #resume_from_background, Boolean type, indicating whether the APP is enabled by the user or resumed from the background. If the value is true, it means the APP is resumed from the background; if the value is false, it means the APP is enabled by the user directly.

# 3.3 Inactive Events

APP end event would be triggered when the user disables the APP or moves the APP to the background. Detailed description of the end event is as follows:

  • Event name: ta_app_end
  • Preset property:#duration, numeric type, indicating the duration of each APP (unit: second).

# 3.4 View Page Events

APP view screen event would be triggered when the user views the screen (View Controller). Detailed event introduction is as follows:

  • Event name: ta_app_view
  • Preset property:

#screen_name, string type, package name, and category name of View Controller

#title, string type, title of View Controller, value: the value of controller.navigationItem.title

  Other properties could be added to view screen events to expand their analysis value. Methods for defining the properties of view screen events are as follows

# 3.4.1 Define The Properties of View Page Events

As for the view page events of UIViewController, properties could be added by implementing the Protocol . URL information and other self-defined properties could be added for view page events through the following two methods:

@interface MYController : UITableViewController<TDScreenAutoTracker>

@implementation MYController

- (NSDictionary *)getTrackProperties {
    return @{@"PageName" : @"ABCD", @"ProductId" : @12345};

- (NSString *)getScreenUrl {
    return @"APP://test";

/** Multi-Instance, Configure with appid
 *  - (NSDictionary *)getTrackPropertiesWithAppid{
 *      return @{@"appid1" : @{@"testTrackProperties" : @"ABCD"},
 *               @"appid2" : @{@"testTrackProperties2" : @"ABCD"},
 *               };
 *  }
 *  -(NSDictionary *)getScreenUrlWithAppid {
 *      return @{@"appid1" : @"APP://test1",
 *               @"appid2" : @"APP://test2",
 *               };
 *  }

   The returned value of <code>getScreenUrl</code>would be used as the URL Schema of the <code>UIViewController</code>. When the view event of the page is triggered, preset property <code>#url</code> will be added. Meanwhile, SDK will fetch the URL Schema of the page before redirection. If it succeeds, it will be added to the preset property <code>#referrer</code> as the forward address.

  The returned value of <code>getTrackProperties</code> is the self-defined property of the view event of the screen, and would join the view event of the screen automatically 

# 3.5 Clicked events

App view click event would be triggered when the user clicks the control(view)

  • Event name: ta_app_click
  • Preset property:

#screen_name, string type, consist of category name of the UIViewController which control(view) belongs to

#element_content, character string type, the content of the control/view

#element_type, character string type, type of the view

It only exists when the control type is UITableView or UICollectionView, indicating the position where the control is clicked, and the value is group(Section):item(Row)

# 3.5.1 Define ViewID

You can set #element_id as a view ID on the page to partition different view, you can use thinkingAnalyticsViewID to set the view ID:

self.table1.thinkingAnalyticsViewID = @"testtable1";

// Multi-Instance, Configure with appid
// self.table1.thinkingAnalyticsViewIDWithAppid = @{ @"app1" : @"testtableID2",
                        @"app2" : @"testtableID3" };

#element_id will be added to the click event of table1, and the value is the incoming value here

  • Related preset attributes: #element_id, character string type

# 3.5.2 Define The Properties of Clicked Events

You can apply the following method to add self-defined properties for Clicking a certain view.

self.table1.thinkingAnalyticsViewProperties = @{@"key1":@"value1"};

// Multi-Instance, Configure with appid
// self.table1.thinkingAnalyticsViewPropertiesWithAppid = @{@"app1":@{@"tablekey":@"tablevalue"},

# 3.5.3 Define Properties of UITableView And UICollectionView Click Events

For UITableView and UICollectionView, you need to set custom properties by implementing Protocol:

  1. First, implement Protocol in the View Controller class

  2. Secondly, set the proxy in the class, it is recommended to set it in the viewDidLoad method

self.table1.thinkingAnalyticsDelegate = self;
  • table1 can be replaced with a View that needs to set custom properties
  1. Then implement the method according to the type of View Controller
  • UITableView needs to implement
//Set all APPID instances and set the custom properties of UITableView
-(NSDictionary *) thinkingAnalytics_tableView:(UITableView *)tableView autoTrackPropertiesAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
    return @{@"testProperty":@"test"};

/** Multi-Instance, Configure with appid
 * -(NSDictionary *) thinkingAnalyticsWithAppid_tableView:(UITableView *)tableView autoTrackPropertiesAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
 *    return @{@"app1":@{@"autoPro":@"tablevalue"},
 *              @"app2":@{@"autoPro2":@"tablevalue2"}
 *            };
 * }
  • UICollectionView needs to implement
//Set all APPID instances and set the custom properties of UICollectionView
-(NSDictionary *) thinkingAnalytics_collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView autoTrackPropertiesAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath;
    return @{@"testProperty":@"test"};

/** Multi-Instance, Configure with appid
 * - (NSDictionary *)thinkingAnalyticsWithAppid_collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView autoTrackPropertiesAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
 *     return @{@"app1":@{@"autoProCOLL":@"tablevalueCOLL"},
 *              @"app2":@{@"autoProCOLL2":@"tablevalueCOLL2"}
 *              };
 * }

4.Finally, set thinkingAnalyticsDelegate to nil in the viewWillDisappear method of the class

    [super viewWillDisappear:animated];
    self.table1.thinkingAnalyticsDelegate = nil;
  • table1 can be replaced with a View that needs to set custom properties, corresponding to when setting the proxy

# 3.6 Crash Events

When an unexpected crash occurs in the APP, an APP crash event would be reported

  • Event name: ta_app_crash
  • Preset property:#app_crashed_reason, character string type, record the stack trace upon crash

# 4.Ignore Auto-Tracking Event

You can ignore the auto-tracking event of activity or view by the following means

# 4.1 View Page Events

As for certain screens (UIViewController), if you do not want to transmit auto-tracking events (including view screen event and view click event), you can ignore them by the following means:

NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[array addObject:@"IgnoredViewController"];

//ignore some screen
[[ThinkingAnalyticsSDK sharedInstanceWithAppid:APP_ID] ignoreAutoTrackViewControllers:array];

# 4.2 Click Events of Type Control

You can apply the following method to ignore the Click Events of Type Control

[[ThinkingAnalyticsSDK sharedInstanceWithAppid:APP_ID] ignoreViewType:[IgnoredClass class]];
  • ignoredClass is the type of view that needs to be ignored.

# 4.3 Click Events of A Control(View)

You can apply the following method to ignore the Click Events of A Control(View)

self.table1.thinkingAnalyticsIgnoreView = YES;

// Multi-Instance, Configure with appid
// self.table2.thinkingAnalyticsIgnoreViewWithAppid = @{@"appid1" : @YES,@"appid2" : @NO};
  • table1 is the View to be ignored

# 5.Preset Properties of Auto-Tracking Events

The following preset properties are the properties set specially for each auto-tracking event

  • Preset properties of APP start event (ta_app_start)
Property name Display name Property type Instruction
Resume from the background or note
Indicating whether the APP is enabled by the user or resumed from the background. If the value is true, it means the APP is resumed from the background; if the value is false, it means the APP is enabled by the user directly.
Start reason

Displays the reason for APP
, and the value is string. Currently supports favorite
, push, 3dtouch start reason.
For the sample, please refer to:
Duration in the background

Numeric value
Unit: second
  • Preset properties of APP end event (ta_app_end)
Property name Display name Property type Instruction
Event duration
Numeric value
Indicating the duration of the APP access (unit: second).
  • Preset properties of APP view screen event (ta_app_view)
Property name Display name Property type Instruction
Screen title
Title of the ViewController, to be set by invoking
Screen name
Class name of ViewController.
Screen URL
The url of current screen, to be set by invoking

The address of the screen before skipping, to be set by invoking
  • Preset properties of APP view click event (ta_app_click)
Property name Display name Property type Instruction
Screen title
Title of the
, to be set by invoking
Screen name
Class name of
Element ID
The ID of the
. e.g.
Element type
Type of the
Element selector
Splicing of the
of the
Element position
position information that exists only if the control type is
The value is
Element content
Content on the
  • Preset properties of APP crash event (ta_app_crash)

# 6.Self-defined Property For Auto-Tracking

You can call enableAutoTrack:properties: to enable the auto-tracking function and update self-defined property for auto-tracking:

[[ThinkingAnalyticsSDK sharedInstance] enableAutoTrack:ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAll properties:@{@"auto_key1": @"auto_value1"}];

# 7. Callback for Auto-Tracking

Since v2.7.4, You can call enableAutoTrack:callback: to enable auto-tracking function, and you can add or update property in the callback.

[[ThinkingAnalyticsSDK sharedInstance] enableAutoTrack:ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAll callback:^NSDictionary * _Nonnull(ThinkingAnalyticsAutoTrackEventType eventType, NSDictionary * _Nonnull properties) {
    if (eventType == ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAppStart) {
      return @{@"addkey":@"addvalue"};
    if (eventType == ThinkingAnalyticsEventTypeAppEnd) {
      return @{@"updatekey":@"updatevalue"};
    return @{};

Please do not do time-consuming operations in this callback, otherwise it will affect the normal storage of data