
# Automatic Event Tracking

# 1. Enable Auto-tracking

You can call EnableAutoTrack to enable the auto-tracking function:

// auto-tracking events type
    NONE = 0,
    APP_START = 1 << 0,
    APP_END = 1 << 1,
    APP_CRASH = 1 << 4,
    APP_INSTALL = 1 << 5,

More details about auto-tracking events:

  • APP_START: Open APP, including activiting APP and resuming APP from the background
  • APP_END: Close APP, including disabling the APP and calling in the background while tracking the duration of the enabling process
  • APP_CRASH: Record crash information when the APP crashes
  • APP_INSTALL: Record APP installation
  • ALL: All types above
// enable all auto-tracking events

// enable Open and Close events

Note: If you need to set a custom distinct ID or super properties, be sure to set them before enabling auto-tracking events

About APP_CRASH, if you only want to track Objective-C and Java exceptions on iOS and Android, but not C# exceptions, you can configure disabled information by adding ta_public_config.xml in the Resources directory in v2.3.1 and above versions.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- ThinkingAnalytics disable C# Exception -->
    <bool name="DisableCSharpException">true</bool>

# 2. Set the Properties of Auto-tracking Events

Starting from v2.2.4, you can enable auto-tracking by calling EnableAutoTrack with properties that need to be tracked.

// enable aotu-tracking with properties
ThinkingAnalyticsAPI.EnableAutoTrack(AUTO_TRACK_EVENTS.ALL, new Dictionary<string, object>() {
    {"custom_key", "custom_value"}

You can also call SetAutoTrackProperties to set properties for auto-tracking events.

Note: SetAutoTrackProperties will not enable auto-tracking, you need to call EnableAutoTrack at the same time.

// set properties for a auto-tracking event
ThinkingAnalyticsAPI.SetAutoTrackProperties(AUTO_TRACK_EVENTS.APP_START, new Dictionary<string, object>() 
    {"start_key", "start_value"}

// set properties for auto-tracking events
ThinkingAnalyticsAPI.SetAutoTrackProperties(AUTO_TRACK_EVENTS.APP_INSTALL | AUTO_TRACK_EVENTS.APP_CRASH, new Dictionary<string, object>() 
    {"install_crash_key", "install_crash_value"}

// enable auto-tracking for all

# 3. Set Auto-tracking Event Callbacks

Starting from v2.4.0, it supports setting auto-tracking event callbacks to set properties in time, or execute code when events are triggered. To set auto-tracking event callback, you need to create a new class and implement the interface IAutoTrackEventCallback , and override the method public Dictionary<string, object> AutoTrackEventCallback(int type, Dictionary<string, object>properties). The return value of this method is the properties that need to be set. Then call EnableAutoTrack to pass in the auto-tracking event callback object.

// 1. implement auto-tracking callback
public class AutoTrackECB : IAutoTrackEventCallback
    public Dictionary<string, object> AutoTrackEventCallback(int type, Dictionary<string, object>properties)
        return new Dictionary<string, object>() 
            {"AutoTrackEventProperty", DateTime.Today}
// 2. enable auto-tracking, and set callback
ThinkingAnalyticsAPI.EnableAutoTrack(AUTO_TRACK_EVENTS.ALL, new AutoTrackECB());